My dear Future work friends,

It's Saturday evening in England, close to midnight.

I've just finished watching a BBC2 programme about the black Moses - Issac
Hayes - spiced throughout by ythe theme from 'Shaft' and a whole lot of deep

Part-way through, I thought that I'd have the courage to write, you all, the


The true tussle is not between:

        € Men and women,

Or between:

        € Black or white,

Or between:

        € Young and old,

Or between:

        € Canada and the US,

Or between:

        € North and south,

Or between, even (and, surprisingly) :

        € Rich and poor.

It *is* between:

        € People and the planet against money.

It is the contest between money's greed (usury) and the people and the
planet's need (love).

This is why the call for the three objectives, the seven point action plan
and the one petition.

For love conquers all - even our darkness.


To my joy, our friend, Issac moves onward, for ever onward, to our common,
shared ground, to identify the core problem:

        € In his closing words, Issac Hayes pointed to his insight after
forty years in the music business:

        € That  the dominant (at present) power (at present)  - is that of


My love to you all,

Sleep well, have a serene Sunday - and fruitful weeks.

Keep at it !!

Your Friend in peace, equality and co-operation,



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