Chris> The future of work could also be summarized in one word:  China !

If I recall correctly, in the original charter for FutureWork there
was mention of avoiding a "Blade Runner future". 

The breakdown of industry and commerce in Iraq seems to have become a
boost for blacksmiths there to work with whatever is at hand to make
whatever is needed.  Just a bit Blade-Runnerish compared our
stereotype of modern work.  Not to mention, of course, doing it
surrounded by foreign occupation and sectarian death squads,

['Ware line wrap.]

Gail>  1....on the one hand densely urban, high tech and widely
Gail>  networked...on the other hand environmental and energy
Gail>  disruptions, population crashes, smaller communities and much
Gail>  hand labour

Yeah.  Those guys are working with big hammrs in a sweltering climate
over blazing fires among urban scrap heaps.  But the pics are on the

- Mike

Michael Spencer                  Nova Scotia, Canada       .~. 
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