I don't vote SVP, and as the article mentions, the SVP's proposal has little
chance of passing in parliament, but I find it pretty ironic that someone
who considers Israel "his team" criticizes these things:

> But far more dramatically, it has announced its intention to lay before
> parliament a law allowing the entire family of a criminal under the age
> of 18 to be deported as soon as sentence is passed.
> It will be the first such law in Europe since the Nazi practice of
> Sippenhaft - kin liability - whereby relatives of criminals were held
> responsible for their crimes and punished equally.

Israel routinely uses Sippenhaft quite brutally by demolishing the homes
of families of alleged terrorists (without even due legal process),
thereby often killing many innocents.  Worse, Israel's Sippenhaft
extends to a whole people, killing humans because they are Palestinians
(e.g. by holding back emergency patients at checkpoints).

The SVP proposal is not about Sippenhaft, but about legal guardians.
No less than 10% of the former inhabitants of Kosovo have migrated to
Switzerland, of all countries.  Their children often commit crimes
before reaching the age of criminal responsibility, so they basically
go unpunished.  E.g. 13-year-old boys raping a 5-year-old girl, or
a gang of 14-year-olds killing a passer-by.  To handle this, the
perpetrators' legal guardians --i.e. the parents-- have to be held
responsible in some way, and to prevent the family from being separated
(by jail), sending the family back to their country seems like the only
viable response.  What else do you suggest?

> Switzerland has the toughest naturalisation rules in Europe. To apply,
> you must live in the country legally for at least 12 years, pay taxes,
> and have no criminal record.

What are the naturalization rules of Israel?  Hitler's race criteria,
basically.  Even DNA tests for potential immigrants to ensure that they
belong to "God's chosen people" and are not just ordinary Russians
looking for a better life.

> "When a Swiss woman who has emigrated to Canada has a baby, that child
> automatically gets citizenship," Dr Schlüer says. But in what sense is
> a boy born in Canada, who may be brought up with an entirely different
> world view and set of values, more Swiss than someone like Fatma Karademir
> who has never lived anywhere but Switzerland?

When a Jew from anywhere on the planet comes to Israel for the first time,
he automatically gets citizenship, whereas Palestinians who were born
there and had always lived there, are not allowed to return.

But that a baby inherits the nationality of its parents, also abroad, is
quite usual internationally -- it's not a Swiss specialty at all.

> The truth is that at the heart of the Swiss People's Party's vision is a
> visceral notion of kinship, breeding and blood that liberals would like
> to think sits very much at odds with the received wisdom of most of the
> Western world.

The zionist notion of kinship, breeding and blood is badly at odds
with the Western world, but thru PNAC and AIPAC, this notion steers the
colonialist policies of the West's superpowers, including the ongoing
genocide in Iraq.

> It is what lies behind the SVP's fear of even moderate Islam. It has
> warned that because of their higher birth rates Muslims would eventually
> become a majority in Switzerland if the citizenship rules were eased.

Here, the SVP has simply copied a zionist slogan -- of the "Muslim
demographic bomb".  And like LePen and Sarkozy (who openly courted LePen's
voters to get elected) in France, the SVP is pro-zionist and anti-Muslim
-- surprise, surprise!  So I don't understand why Arthur is complaining...


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