Title: Re: The Reinvention of Work
Hi Steve:

First let me say that my library miracoulously produced the book The Efficient Society last week and I read it in three 5:30 - 8:00 AM segments with the promise to myself to reread it.  Secondly, let me state that when a philospher looks at economics he sees a totally different set of causes and effects than does a politician or an economist.  Third, let me share an opinion of pride in that we see a group of writers in Canada that is absolutely world class, Mark Kingwall, John Ralston Saul, Peter Newman, Lynda McQuaig and now I can add Joesph Heath to my list - thank you for pointing me towards him.


Thomas Lunde

PS:  It's pretty impressive to me when Canada has been named by the United Nations for a number of years as being the best society on the planet to live in - though as Heath argues, we may not have known why and may be in the process of destroying it with the neo-con nonsense from the States.  

on 2/24/02 10:04 AM, Steve Kurtz at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Brad, Ray, Brian:

You guys provide wonderful counterpoint to some of the overly dry, lean prose that a few of us serve up here. This richness is highly nutritious, savory, and satisfying. It also reawakens (in me at least) a glimmer of optimism amid my admitted gloomy "Heart of Darkness", "The Wasteland", and "Apocalypse Now" literary psycho-heritage. (Kurtz is in each)

Back to _The Efficient Society_, by Joseph Heath. He claims that Hobbes, not Locke had it right re human nature. Without sufficient rules of governance (laws & customs), market economies can behave as did some eastern bloc ones once communism was toppled.(large scale criminality, organized crime, high levels of corruption) Yet without market economies, inefficiencies abound in producing well-being for societies. The feedback that pricing gives to the production system is not possible in command and control centralized economies. He fully acknowledges negative externalities (costs that intentionally are offloaded on to the commons) such as smells, particulates, soil/water pollution, noise... Next section will be on "Big Business"


Google links:
the efficient cause <http://www3.sympatico.ca/cypher/efficiency.htm>
... IS IT EFFICIENT? - William Sheridan - JosephHeath THE EFFICIENTSOCIETY: Why
Canada Is As Close To Utopia As It Gets Penguin/Viking, Toronto, 2001. ...
www3.sympatico.ca/cypher/efficiency.htm - 10k - Cached <http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:SVyYY_pq9A8C:www3.sympatico.ca/cypher/efficiency.htm+The+Efficient+Society+%26+Joseph+Heath&amp;hl=en> - Similar pages <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;num=10&amp;q=related:www3.sympatico.ca/cypher/efficiency.htm>

Université de Montréal - Forum - Édition du 24 septembre ... - [ Translate this page <http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&amp;sl=fr&amp;u=http://www.iforum.umontreal.ca/Forum/ArchivesForum/2001-2002/010924/491.htm&amp;prev=/search%3Fq%3DThe%2BEfficient%2BSociety%2B%2526%2BJoseph%2BHeath%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG> ]
... Dans The EfficientSociety, qui suscite de Halifax à Vancouver des éditoriaux
enthousiastes, JosephHeath fait l¹apologie de l¹État-providence. Mais on ...
www.iforum.umontreal.ca/Forum/ArchivesForum/2001-2002/010924/ <http://www.iforum.umontreal.ca/Forum/ArchivesForum/2001-2002/010924/> 491.htm - 16k - Cached <http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:nLk_HxPBF40C:www.iforum.umontreal.ca/Forum/ArchivesForum/2001-2002/010924/491.htm+The+Efficient+Society+%26+Joseph+Heath&amp;hl=en> - Similar pages <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;num=10&amp;q=related:www.iforum.umontreal.ca/Forum/ArchivesForum/2001-2002/010924/491.htm>

The Left Atrium [CMAJ - August 21, 2001] <http://www.cma.ca/cmaj/vol-165/issue-4/0454.asp>
... Almost as good as it gets. The efficient society: Why Canada is as close to utopia
as it gets JosephHeath Penguin Books Canada, Ltd., Toronto, 2001 306 pp. $35 ...
www.cma.ca/cmaj/vol-165/issue-4/0454.asp <http://www.cma.ca/cmaj/vol-165/issue-4/0454.asp>  - 27k - Cached <http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:APHLo4ZUnz8C:www.cma.ca/cmaj/vol-165/issue-4/0454.asp+The+Efficient+Society+%26+Joseph+Heath&amp;hl=en> - Similar pages <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;num=10&amp;q=related:www.cma.ca/cmaj/vol-165/issue-4/0454.asp>

Writers Festival 2001 <http://www.writersfest.com/html/Jheath.html>
...JosephHeath, author of The Efficient Society: Why Canada Is as Close to Utopia
as It Gets, is an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of ...
www.writersfest.com/html/Jheath.html <http://www.writersfest.com/html/Jheath.html>  - 4k - Cached <http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:2iVTIyTxUGQC:www.writersfest.com/html/Jheath.html+The+Efficient+Society+%26+Joseph+Heath&amp;hl=en> - Similar pages <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;num=10&amp;q=related:www.writersfest.com/html/Jheath.html>

Old and New <http://www.biggeworld.com/archive/efficult.html>
... poor allocation of intellectual resources. First came The EfficientSociety by Joseph
, and now The Cult of Efficiency. Comparisons beg, especially since ...
www.biggeworld.com/archive/efficult.html <http://www.biggeworld.com/archive/efficult.html>  - 6k - Cached <http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:Gbi2gmoEQm8C:www.biggeworld.com/archive/efficult.html+The+Efficient+Society+%26+Joseph+Heath&amp;hl=en> - Similar pages <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;num=10&amp;q=related:www.biggeworld.com/archive/efficult.html>

Favourites <http://www.ethics.ubc.ca/%7Epad/favourites.htm>
... And Joe Heath's interesting book is working on the rest! JosephHeath, The
EfficientSociety... Why Canada is as Close to Utopia as it Gets. ...
www.ethics.ubc.ca/~pad/favourites.htm <http://www.ethics.ubc.ca/~pad/favourites.htm>  - 12k - Cached <http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:3W0df0pQVaAC:www.ethics.ubc.ca/%7Epad/favourites.htm+The+Efficient+Society+%26+Joseph+Heath&amp;hl=en> - Similar pages <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;num=10&amp;q=related:www.ethics.ubc.ca/%7Epad/favourites.htm>

Ready, Set, Go! ARB Conference, Human Resources Development ...
... Canada; JosephHeath, Canadian Research Chair in Ethics and Political Economy, Department
of Philosophy, University of Montreal, author of The Efficient Society...
www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/stratpol/arb/conferences/2002/readysetgo/ <http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/stratpol/arb/conferences/2002/readysetgo/> plenaries.shtml - 13k - Cached <http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:cVVDjt6qehAC:www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/stratpol/arb/conferences/2002/readysetgo/plenaries.shtml+The+Efficient+Society+%26+Joseph+Heath&amp;hl=en> - Similar pages <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;num=10&amp;q=related:www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/stratpol/arb/conferences/2002/readysetgo/plenaries.shtml>
À vos marques, prêts, partez! Conférence DGRA, ... - [ Translate this page <http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&amp;sl=fr&amp;u=http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/arb/conferences/2002/avosmarquespretspartez/plenieres.shtml&amp;prev=/search%3Fq%3DThe%2BEfficient%2BSociety%2B%2526%2BJoseph%2BHeath%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG> ]
... Développement des ressources humaines Canada; JosephHeath, Chaire de recherche
du ... de Montréal, auteur de The EfficientSociety: Why Canada Is As ...
www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/arb/conferences/2002/avosmarquespretspartez/ <http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/arb/conferences/2002/avosmarquespretspartez/> plenieres.shtml - 15k - Cached <http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:NEqoUsDBRY8C:www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/arb/conferences/2002/avosmarquespretspartez/plenieres.shtml+The+Efficient+Society+%26+Joseph+Heath&amp;hl=en> - Similar pages <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;num=10&amp;q=related:www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/arb/conferences/2002/avosmarquespretspartez/plenieres.shtml>
Look What's New, August 31, 2001- Indian and Northern ...
... and Management. The efficientsociety : why Canada is as close to utopia as
it gets. JosephHeath. Toronto : Viking, 2001. 339 pages. HN103.5 H42 2001. ...
www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/lib/010831_e.html <http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/lib/010831_e.html>  - 21k - Cached <http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:qniFdPi7ozcC:www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/lib/010831_e.html+The+Efficient+Society+%26+Joseph+Heath&amp;hl=en> - Similar pages <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;num=10&amp;q=related:www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/lib/010831_e.html>

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