Karen asked:

What does it mean to you that articles like this are appearing in the
mainstrteam press?

Jan, Bill, Lawry and Brad have all replied with perceptive comments from
different angles. Simmering all these down, and bearing in mind that the
Rand Report was allowed to leak (this was very significant, I think), my
view is that Bush is now allowing an anti-Saudi Arabian strategy to become
talked about even while he himself concentrates on making the case publicly
against Saddam Hussein.

I think the tight circle behind Bush decided some months ago (and perhaps a
long time before then) that there's no way that a fundamentalist
insurrection can be avoided in Saudi Arabia and that this would have
disastrous effects on oil exports to America and on its already-shaky
economy. (America would be significantly affected for at least a year until
oil supplies from Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, etc, could be ramped up.)
Also, as a corollary, this group decided that there's no way that the
Islamic mullahs and associated terrorist groups can be turned around in
Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Israel-Palestine, Afghanistan, etc. (And
there's also the possibility that Islamic fundamentalism could erupt and
overthrow governments in several other countries such as Turkey, Egypt,
Algeria, Indonesia, etc, unless some dramatic intervention occurs. ) 

So, if continuing catastrophes are inevitable, then it might as well be
American-led so that, at least (if successful), oil supplies can be

My bet is this: if Saudi Arabia doesn't collapse in the next few weeks
(perhaps prompted by King Fahd's death), then Bush will announce landings
of troops in Kuwait.

When?  September 11 2002.  

On this tragic anniversary, no leader can ever have had a better
opportunity to gather the vast majority of his country's population behind
him -- despite the growing opposition within the country (even from leading
Republicans, as I heard this morning on the radio) and without.

(I don't think that the American troops will necessarily do anything
immediately in Kuwait. They won't need to. They'll just build up steadily.
Sooner or later, this will provoke an uprising in Saudi Arabia, and the
troops will then move south to protect the oil wells [or bring them back
into production if sabotaged]*. Maybe, as a bonus, there'll be a coup
d'etat in Iraq but, really, America can afford to wait upon events there --
there is no evidence that Saddam Hussein is of any danger in the meantime
despite American propaganda.)

Keith Hudson

*I've little doubt that the mysterious Carlyle group will be importantly
involved here (and would have included Enron, were it not for its
collapse!). Members include some of the more responsible members of the
immensely rich bin Laden family (good friends with Prince Charles,
incidentally) and, together, with other pro-Western rich Saudi Arabians,
will take over formal ownership of the SA oil industry (as well as the
assets of those SA businessmen who have been supporting Al Qaeda).  

Keith Hudson,6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
Tel:01225 312622/444881; Fax:01225 447727; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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