Lawry de Bivort wrote:
> >
> > Are you saying that sources like the following are wrong ?
> >
> >
> >
> > "Afghan women
> >  ...
> >  * Are forbidden to ... talk or shake hands with men outside
> > their families.
> >  ...
> >  * Are forbidden to laugh or talk loudly. (No stranger should hear a
> >    woman's voice.)"
> I haven't looked at this site, but the substance of the quotes I assume you
> took from it are, as they pertain to Muslim women, wrong.

The quote clearly was about Afghan women, i.e. a subset of Muslim women.
Is it wrong for Afghan women too ?  If so, was it all war propaganda
and/or NGO fundraising or what?

> > Simply say
> > what you know, and try to reduce your polemics-to-facts ratio.
> Polemic, Chris, is a one-sided exagerrated often political rant. You are the
> only one on this list who actually does use a polemic style.  What you are
> referring to, in my writing, is not polemic but direct criticism -- of you.

I see:  When I criticize people's statements (by substantiating the criticism
with sources and scientific basics like the concept of self-selection), then
it is polemic.  But when you attack my persona (with empty polemic like
"you, the great Chris"), then it's not polemic but criticism.

> Then, I repeat, why don't you start actually asking the people upon whom you
> pass such easy and ignorant judgement?

Why re-invent the wheel when you already asked them?

> After you have done so, you then can
> use your vast knowledge of 'victimology' to your heart's content.

I already began with that, but it fell on deaf ears with you.


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