An FW subscriber has sent me an interesting article on yet another aspect
of the penalties that women suffer in Afghanistan -- closely allied to the
"portable imprisonment" (Brad's term) of the burka.

But let me introduce the situation very briefly:

In hunter-gatherer society women were as free as men. They were able to
socialise together as they gathered nuts and roots. They suckled their
children frequently up to a fairly advanced age (6 or 7 years) and this
gave them sufficent contraceptive hormones to maintain their family size to
two or three children at most.

In agricultural society, women had to help at harvest time, and the
practice of frequent suckling was broken. Family size increased enormously.
More children also helped seeding and harvesting at critical times -- thus
consolidating the practice of large family size. The subjection of women
had began.

Various ideologies within agrarian economies caused even more subjection of
women -- so frequently weakened by repeated child-bearing and unable to
resist the increasing domination of males. Thus we have vicious practices
of Suttee in fundamentalist Hindu villages (where some women are
indoctirinated so much that they even throw themselves *voluntarily* on the
funeral pyre) and the burka in Afghanistan, and a great deal more. 

Let's face it, the burka and many other practices in agrarian societies
(with vicious ideologies on top) are unmitigated crimes against women.
Let's be objective about it.   


Deadly pulmonary tuberculosis is striking women in Afghanistan unusually 
hard, baffling health experts. 

By Abdul Mobeen in Kabul 

When 23-year-old Aziza got married four years ago, she moved into a small 
Kabul mud house with ten members of her husband's family. She has rarely 
seen the sun since. 

After spending most of her time in cramped, dark, damp conditions while 
caring for the menfolk and cleaning the house, the mother of two's health 
has deteriorated. Aziza is currently receiving treatment in the capital's 
National Tuberculosis Institute, where she is only one of a growing number 
of Afghan women struck down with this potentially fatal disease. 

The brutalities of the Taleban may be a thing of the past, but pulmonary 
tuberculosis, TB, and the restrictions of Afghanistan's conservative 
society are now combining to deadly effect. 

The latest statistics from the World Health Organisation, WHO, show women 
accounted for two thirds of all TB cases in the country between 1997 and 
2000. Afghanistan's health centre and hospital statistics consistently 
show that female TB patients outnumber males across the country, and their 
number is steadily increasing. 

That women are disproportionately the victims is unusual. In other 
countries in the region such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, only 40 
per cent of TB cases are women, and the worldwide figure is as low as 37 
per cent. 

The Afghan figures have puzzled health experts, but a number of theories 
have emerged to explain the unusual statistics. 

TB is a bacterial infection that attacks the lungs and then spreads to 
other organs of the body. Although it is fairly easy to cure - requiring 
multi-drug treatment over a period of six to eight months - it can be 
deadly if untreated. 

The most dangerous form of the disease is the airborne pulmonary TB, which 
is highly contagious and often attacks people with weakened immune 
systems. In Afghanistan various social and cultural factors can combine to 
make women much more susceptible to infection. 

Dr Abdul Wodood Hydari, deputy director of Afghanistan's National 
Tuberculosis Institute, told IWPR that multiple pregnancies take a heavy 
toll on women's stamina, and this can leave them very vulnerable. 

Afghani is a 36-year-old TB patient from the Shomali Plains, about an hour 
north of Kabul. A mother of six, she has also suffered three miscarriages, 
and she says that this relentless depletion of her body's resources is the 
main reason for her illness. "From being a very healthy and strong woman, 
I am now a skinny person who easily gets sick," she said. 

Childbirth is only one of the burdens on women's health. Afghanistan also 
has a long-standing tradition that males must be served first, leaving the 
female family members to eat what is left over. Women such as Aziza often 
become exhausted and malnourished, as the demands of home and family often 
leave them without a proper meal. 

"We never have enough food to eat, especially for myself, because I have 
to serve my husband and his family first," Aziza told IWPR. 

Aziza also shares another complaint with many Afghan women. Her husband 
and his family are very conservative and rarely let her out of the house. 
This means that she is at the mercy of others when it comes to seeking 
health care. 

Dr Hydari says that this often delays diagnosis and treatment, increasing 
the chances that women will spread the disease. 

Aside from clinical reasons, the high rate of TB in Afghan women may have 
something to do with the fact that the country's population comprises more 
females than males after more than two decades of fighting, or it could 
simply be related to how statistics are reported. 

In Afghanistan, the public health sector provides the bulk of statistics 
to the authorities, although the private sector is also a major provider 
of healthcare. However, women are rarely able to see private practitioners 
due to poverty and sexual taboos, so they usually report to public 

Dr Nadir Aksir, an Afghan doctor with his own private practice, told IWPR 
that that he sees more male TB patients than female ones. This is because 
there is a great stigma attached to having the disease in Afghan society, 
and most patients are desperate to keep their diagnosis secret. 

Given a choice, patients will always choose private treatment over public 
clinics to ensure their anonymity, and this may have obscured the real 
statistics even further. 
snipped from Afghan Recovery Report No. 23


Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music,
6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
Tel: +44 1225 312622;  Fax: +44 1225 447727; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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