Brad's posting (excerpt below) reminds me of a story about Winston
Churchill during WWII.

There'd been a Cabinet meeting concerning food rationing among other
things, so Churchill asked to see the individual food ration.

By and by a Ministry of Food official arranged the ration one or two plates
-- two ounces of cheese, two ounces of butter (or, rather, margarine), two
ounces of meat, 2 lbs of potatoes, one pint of milk, an apple or two, four
ounces of sugar, half a standard loaf, etc. (I'm only guessing now, but the
quantities were of this order.)

Churchill surveyed the food briefly: "M'mm . . . that would make a very
satisfactory meal."  And then stalked out of the room.

Officials were too stunned to tell him that this was a week's rations.


My father was a policeman and a very scrupulous policeman, too. During the
Blitz in 1942 when most of Coventry city centre was being flattened, my
father was on duty. Even while the bombs were still falling, people were
looting the food shops. Against everything in his nature and training
hitherto, my father joined a crowd in a baker's shop, stuffed a long
standard loaf into his uniform, ran three miles uphill to our home, opened
the front door and threw the loaf into the house and then went back to his
duties. I have a vivid memory of the way he burst through the front door
with an expression on his face showing both elation and fear. Without any
doubt he would have lost his job had it been known by his superiors, but
that's how badly we needed food in those days.   

I recently saw a program on THe History Channel which
described how pleased Winston Churchill was with the sinking
of the Lusitania, because he believed that
the loss of American lives would
motivate Americans to want to fight against Germany.

Different day, same sh-t.

    (And I personally would rather spend it in Bletchley Park(sp?)
    than on Midway or Omaha Beach.  Speaking of which, what
    *did* Sir Winston sacrifice for the war?)

\brad mccormick


Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music,
6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
Tel: +44 1225 312622;  Fax: +44 1225 447727; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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