Christoph Reuss wrote:
> To make one basic thing clear:  This is NOT about "the Jews" [=Jan's term]
> -- as little as it is about "the Muslims".  9/11 was a conspiracy of a very
> small clique, be it (as the official version says) Al-Qaeda  or  be it an
> US-Israeli group (or perhaps even a "mixed" group, such as Carlyle/BinLadin).
> In both cases, the small clique is unelected, totalitarian, highly criminal,
> and does not only not represent their own people(s), but works to the harm
> of their own people(s).  In both cases, there is absolutely no valid reason
> for generalizations from the clique to the people(s), or even for collective
> punishments as in Afghanistan or in US mosques.

May I also suggest that "the Jews" is/are 
something different from or at
least a lot more than Zionism?  (Conversaly,
aren't the Palestinean Arabs "semites", so that
"anti-semitism" is a misnomer if meant to apply
only to the jews and not also to the

I have
read some things (which I have not pursued
in depth) which indicate that the Zionists
may have found Hitler useful --> that,
at bottom, the Zionists were less concerned
about saving individual jews than
about the life of "the jewish people"
in Palestine, no matter what suffering and death
that entailed for individuals who,
to the Zionists' way of thinking, merely serve
the supra-personal "life" of the [immortal] people?

*Without* Hitler, it appears there was a
very real possibility that judiasm would not
have survived the 20th century -- because
the individual jews would have ASSIMILATED.
*This*, not Hitler was the ultimate danger in
certain persons' view.  Hitler's
so-called "final solution" was perhaps the
only thing that could prevent a solution
of the problem of the overcoming of
ethnicity by European humanity
in the 20th century.  This is, of course,
highly speculative, and perhaps too optimistic,
since the jewish people were far more EDUCATED
than most ethnic groups, and therefore they
were far better candidates for assimilation,
i.e., for becoming citizens of a Universal
Humanity and not members of a tribe.

(You know that I think the only good ethnicity
is one that "exists" only in anthropological
documents and artefacts. The gypsies, for instance,
would probably have been a much more difficult
problem for "the civilizing process".

I should probably also emphasize that I criticize
ethnicities, tribes and all other such
pre-reflective group formations
for the sake of increased opportunities for
individuals to flourish in free, creative
sociation --> what might perhaps be called
[Hello. Harry???] a
truly "free market", i.e., an agora in the
polis where each individual would be free
to leave if he or she chose, without suffering
serious negative life consequences such 
as impoverishment or loss of access to
cultural resources).

No person is free to participate who is not free to walk away
without losing anything important in his or her life. 

> Jan Matthieu wrote:
> > Hell man, do you denie the people who committed those attacks where muslims
> > now?? Are you insinuating they were Jews? Wake up. Those attacks were
> > perpetrated by muslims. Arabs, Saudi, and Egyptian mostly. Not Jews. And
> > they didn't commit suicide for a pipeline.
> The cannon fodder is pretty irrelevant, as are the pretexts that got them
> into the mission.  And were you present in the airplanes to check if they
> were Arabs ?   What matters is who pulled the strings and to what end.
> (Btw, did the Anthrax came from Al-Qaeda too?)
> > For Afghanistan this was the best thing that happened in a long time.
> Orwell must be spinning in his grave.

It is indeed fortunate that we could save Afghanistan without
having to entirely destroy it!  Conditions are not always
so fortunate.


\brad mccormick

  Let your light so shine before men, 
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

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