
That was a useful item you pointed us to (see below). However, I would like
to generalise in a short note following a chain of thought that was started
in considering Ray Harrel's latest message (under "America in Decline").

I rather think that fundamentalism is a very significant symptom of a
civilization in decline. I mentioned a few days ago Bernard Lewis's opinion
(after a lifetime of studying Islam) that the principal motivation that
drives the imams and clerics in several pockets of Islam (Saudi Arabia
being an outstanding example) was not so much a fear (hatred) of other
religions or philosophies (or even America-the-nation one might infer) but
of western technology itself. 

(In Lewis' book, he mentions an instance when, after a naval battle
sometime in the 1500/1600s, an Islamic victory yielded the capture of a
western ship, and all sorts of advanced innovations in its construction and
armaments were discovered. Such was the state of Islam at the time [that
is, already declining as a powerful civilisation] that there was
considerable debate among the clerics whether such innovations could be
copied by themselves for their own warships. They decided that in the
interests of self-protection it was allowable to copy these innovations,
but already Islam was in a state of mind by which any ordinary innovation
of western nations was strongly resisted.)

The religious programme on the radio this morning reminds us that in
western countries, religious belief is generally still declining. Formal
religions have hardly any place in most young people's minds today. The
great controversies of the 19th century in western countries between
science and Christianity have long since died away with, apparently, a
clear victory for rationalism and humanistic thought.

Yet, in the last decade or so, in the most advanced country in the world,
America, Christian fundamentalism has been growing apace (and also now
happening in England), even trying to impose its anti-evolution agenda on
State school curricula (and largely succeeding, I understand, in one or two
States). This is very worrying because it is blunting the minds of large
numbers of young people (even intelligent individuals, as you gave an
example yersterday). 

But it's not just Christian fundamentalism. There is a wider secular body
of resistance to scientific development -- for example, blanket opposition
to genetically-modified food. (And one African country followed western
oppositionism yesterday by refusing the importation of GM grain from
America even though millions of its people are dying from starvation.)  I
don't want to get into discussion of GM food because biogenetics certainly
needs a great deal of careful investigation, but it is the nature of the
instant, automatic opposition to many developments produced by science
that's worrying many observers.

I am not so worried myself. I don't think the new western fundamentalism
will become powerful enough to stop scientific development (which I believe
will be absolutely essential if we are to survive in reasonable condition
in the next century or two) because man's curiosity is too great. But, in
the way that it is invading and subverting the educational system, it is
certainly doing a lot of damage. In fact, I think it is another symptom of
the decline of America as the leading power in the world. (Another symptom
being corruption and ethical fragility at the highest levels of the
American [and English] administration.)

Keith Hudson 
At 10:17 17/08/02 -0700, you wrote:
>George Will joins the debate promoting strategy that attacking Iraq to
>activate domino theory political change is in everybody's interest,
>especially Europe's - while using Friedman's sociopolitical economics for
>support.  In answer to Brad's question about what is a modernist, in this
>context, it is users of birth control, a "novelty" item I would certainly
>include in Hudson Economics affecting poverty and the rise of the middle
>class globally.
>Vive la difference. - Karen
>A Mideast Specter: Modernity
>By George F. Will @


Keith Hudson,6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
Tel:01225 312622/444881; Fax:01225 447727; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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