----- Original Message -----
From: "Ray Evans Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 01:10:33 -0500
To: " jan matthieu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Brad McCormick, Ed.D." 
Subject: Re:  Somethingness

> Hello Jan,
> I find that it helps if we know the cultural map from which each of us
> springs.    There are many traditions that have stories about the
> continuation of Consciousness.    And there are even those that say that
> they were dead and came back before they left for good, to come back at a
> later date.     Coming back is done in various ways as in Tibet, Coyote,
> Jesus, Elijah or the Eternal Oneness to but name a few.

I feel that such a contemplation illucidates a fallacy of 'western' thinking.  We try 
to account for an omega, an end state for something we see has having a beginning 
state as well.  We see life, the universe, and indeed EVERYTHING as having a beginning 
and an end.  The reason that 'eastern' thinking is more accountative for even the 
fringes of congitive experience is that it is open-ended, i.e. no end state need be 
supposed because no beginning has ever been demonstrated.

Alan Watts referred to the fact that if you look on the ground between two bushes, see 
a snake stick its head out, you blink, and you see the tail disappearing: you are 
manifesting quite accurately the 'western' model of cause and effect.  If, 
metaphorically speaking, the snake is time/space/suchness, then the cause-and-effect 
mind says the head caused the tail whilst those steeped in the oceanic nature of 
consciousness (see bell's non-locality or david bohm's 'implicate order theory' or 
read the 'tao te ching') know that the snake is one...that all moments exist 

It IS chaos 'theory.'  Again I falter, attempting to use words, products of the 
intellectual tool (a tool of breaking things down into its parts), to describe what 
will not fit into such containers.

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