In the 1980s former Reagan Budget Director David Stockman wrote a book about
the rational on the right for deficit spending.    He said that it was for
the purpose of defeating the social programs that the conservative right
wing didn't approve of including Social Security.    Since Bush came into
the White House this agenda including star wars has gone full tilt.   He
also scuttled the Clinton treatment of North Korea which had as their
response to start up their Nuclear programs again.   And then there was the
test ban and Nuclear Prolifferation Treaty which North Korea, a country the
size of New Jersey, is now ignoring.   The right wing constantly asks how
much it costs and points to such issues with health care and other social
issues that make this country livable.   That is fraud and is no more than a
coverup for a culture and a way of life that they find repugnant.   Here are
some figures on how many social programs GWB will be able to ignore through
the device of warfare and its costs.     Push your social agenda with war?
These are the people who call themselves "pro-life"?

Next they will be pushing coal slurry and nuclear power which exhausts the
acquafers in a water problem that will eventually make the energy problem
look simple by comparison.     You can stay and home but you cannot refuse
to drink water.    How about simple sewage problems?    They almost ruined
Europe and killed many of the European cities here before the use of water
saved them but destroyed the river and lake systems for a time.   Nuclear
power is still a problem with waste, more sewage,  except a swamp won't help
and the safety time is not a couple of months but 25,000 years.

The third place they go is the degradation of the language through
mis-labeling.    GWB is doing a job on that and his defenders are following
suit.    Meanwhile see how much your state taxes will go up with the war on



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