Ray Evans Harrell wrote:

I sometimes make the an/and
and the mistake of adding the extra (d) and the their/there mistake you
mention.    But it is those big misses like:
Somehow these seem different from the kind of mistakes Bush makes.
A person's typos are sort of like analytic free associations....

Wittgenstein said something relevant [by analogy] here:

    A person copying text of a language they know, and a person
    copying text of a language they do not know, make different
    kinds of transcription errors.

generousity     -- At least this one emphasizes the important
                     part: being *generous*

judgement       -- what the judge ment
Tschaikovski    -- Is it Tsar or Tzar or Czar anyway?
interviening    -- Did you take latin?  Veni vidi vieni?
impressario     -- they are kind of bossy, aren't they?
artistocracy    -- there *is* some truth to this one: as McLuhan
                     said: The artists are the antennae of the race
inhabition      -- we are stuck with and in our habits
paar            -- Jack?
provencial      -- Provence is a nice province if one has to pick one

all from the post below that the OEx spellcheck liked.

I love spell checkers.  They catch typos for me.  But they also
give me the chance to look twice and say to myself: "Yes indeed,
that is exactly what I meant." -- or sometimes, and this is where
I feel I am maturing as I age: "Wow!  I would never have thought
of that neat typo!  [Remember James Joyce?]  That's a keeper!"


\brad mccormci

  Let your light so shine before men,
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

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