Krugman pg. 3 out of 4

You don't need a political scientist to tell you that modern American
politics is bitterly polarized. But wasn't it always thus? No, it wasn't.
From World War II until the 1970's -- the same era during which income
inequality was historically low -- political partisanship was much more
muted than it is today. That's not just a subjective assessment. My
Princeton political science colleagues Nolan McCarty and Howard Rosenthal,
together with Keith Poole at the University of Houston, have done a
statistical analysis showing that the voting behavior of a congressman is
much better predicted by his party affiliation today than it was 25 years
ago. In fact, the division between the parties is sharper now than it has
been since the 1920's.

What are the parties divided about? The answer is simple: economics.
McCarty, Rosenthal and Poole write that ''voting in Congress is highly
ideological -- one-dimensional left/right, liberal versus conservative.'' It
may sound simplistic to describe Democrats as the party that wants to tax
the rich and help the poor, and Republicans as the party that wants to keep
taxes and social spending as low as possible. And during the era of
middle-class America that would indeed have been simplistic: politics wasn't
defined by economic issues. But that was a different country; as McCarty,
Rosenthal and Poole put it, ''If income and wealth are distributed in a
fairly equitable way, little is to be gained for politicians to organize
politics around nonexistent conflicts.'' Now the conflicts are real, and our
politics is organized around them. In other words, the growing inequality of

our incomes probably lies behind the growing divisiveness of our politics.

But the politics of rich and poor hasn't played out the way you might think.
Since the incomes of America's wealthy have soared while ordinary families
have seen at best small gains, you might have expected politicians to seek
votes by proposing to soak the rich. In fact, however, the polarization of
politics has occurred because the Republicans have moved to the right, not
because the Democrats have moved to the left. And actual economic policy has
moved steadily in favor of the wealthy. The major tax cuts of the past 25
years, the Reagan cuts in the 1980's and the recent Bush cuts, were both
heavily tilted toward the very well off. (Despite obfuscations, it remains
true that more than half the Bush tax cut will eventually go to the top 1
percent of families.) The major tax increase over that period, the increase
in payroll taxes in the 1980's, fell most heavily on working-class families.

The most remarkable example of how politics has shifted in favor of the
wealthy -- an example that helps us understand why economic policy has
reinforced, not countered, the movement toward greater inequality -- is the
drive to repeal the estate tax. The estate tax is, overwhelmingly, a tax on
the wealthy. In 1999, only the top 2 percent of estates paid any tax at all,
and half the estate tax was paid by only 3,300 estates, 0.16 percent of the
total, with a minimum value of $5 million and an average value of $17
million. A quarter of the tax was paid by just 467 estates worth more than
$20 million. Tales of family farms and businesses broken up to pay the
estate tax are basically rural legends; hardly any real examples have been
found, despite diligent searching.

You might have thought that a tax that falls on so few people yet yields a
significant amount of revenue would be politically popular; you certainly
wouldn't expect widespread opposition. Moreover, there has long been an
argument that the estate tax promotes democratic values, precisely because
it limits the ability of the wealthy to form dynasties. So why has there
been a powerful political drive to repeal the estate tax, and why was such a
repeal a centerpiece of the Bush tax cut?
There is an economic argument for repealing the estate tax, but it's hard to
believe that many people take it seriously. More significant for members of
Congress, surely, is the question of who would benefit from repeal: while
those who will actually benefit from estate tax repeal are few in number,
they have a lot of money and control even more (corporate C.E.O.'s can now
count on leaving taxable estates behind). That is, they are the sort of
people who command the attention of politicians in search of campaign funds.

But it's not just about campaign contributions: much of the general public
has been convinced that the estate tax is a bad thing. If you try talking
about the tax to a group of moderately prosperous retirees, you get some
interesting reactions. They refer to it as the ''death tax''; many of them
believe that their estates will face punitive taxation, even though most of
them will pay little or nothing; they are convinced that small businesses
and family farms bear the brunt of the tax.
These misconceptions don't arise by accident. They have, instead, been
deliberately promoted. For example, a Heritage Foundation document titled
''Time to Repeal Federal Death Taxes: The Nightmare of the American Dream''
emphasizes stories that rarely, if ever, happen in real life:
''Small-business owners, particularly minority owners, suffer anxious
moments wondering whether the businesses they hope to hand down to their
children will be destroyed by the death tax bill, . . . Women whose children
are grown struggle to find ways to re-enter the work force without upsetting
the family's estate tax avoidance plan.'' And who finances the Heritage
Foundation? Why, foundations created by wealthy families, of course.
The point is that it is no accident that strongly conservative views, views
that militate against taxes on the rich, have spread even as the rich get
richer compared with the rest of us: in addition to directly buying
influence, money can be used to shape public perceptions. The liberal group
People for the American Way's report on how conservative foundations have
deployed vast sums to support think tanks, friendly media and other
institutions that promote right-wing causes is titled ''Buying a Movement.''

Not to put too fine a point on it: as the rich get richer, they can buy a
lot of things besides goods and services. Money buys political influence;
used cleverly, it also buys intellectual influence. A result is that growing
income disparities in the United States, far from leading to demands to soak
the rich, have been accompanied by a growing movement to let them keep more
of their earnings and to pass their wealth on to their children.

This obviously raises the possibility of a self-reinforcing process. As the
gap between the rich and the rest of the population grows, economic policy
increasingly caters to the interests of the elite, while public services for
the population at large -- above all, public education -- are starved of
resources. As policy increasingly favors the interests of the rich and
neglects the interests of the general population, income disparities grow
even wider.

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