Ipse dixit.

Let me respectfully state my personal opinion about
If I were to meet him in the road, I would greet him respectfully,
and ask how he was.  I would tell him some of the things
"people" have said about him(?) which I have heard, and
ask him for his response.  I would ask him about being
crucified and ascending to Heaven, and, based on his
responses, I would reflect on my own experience, beliefs, etc.
May be we could go to dinner.  I suppose, considering
his fame, I'd offer to treat.

I would hope he would participate as a peer in dialog with

If he did not, then I might find myself mutilated,
tortured and murdered by his Father's Might, but I would
not on that account assess him any different than any other
thug, although ,like anhy other thug, I might not say to
him what I thought but rather what I thought
would get him to stop hurting me.  (Remember Isaac, Job,
the Tower of Babel, etc.!)

Speak softly and carry the ethical power of judgment of all Being,
even if not a big enough stick to enforce it.

\brad mccormick

  Let your light so shine before men,
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Visit my website ==> http://www.users.cloud9.net/~bradmcc/

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