
I've never mentioned this in my various Global Warming posts, but something peculiar happened in the planet's warming history.

After the 40 years of so of warming in the first part of the last century, there were 35 years of cooling. That we know. Then suddenly, as these things go, in the later part of the 70's, there was a change to warming.

I haven't come across a credible reason why this abrupt occurred. People are too engrossed in the warming to bother with why it started again. Could it be that CO2 increase slipped across a threshold? Doesn't seem likely.

The sudden resumption of warming might have been caused by a wobble, or some other planetary change. As we already KNOW the answer, the "scientists" involved are perhaps unlikely to look past the CO2 hypothesis. I have before mentioned the lack of uncertainty on the IPCC site.

If anyone runs into some hypotheses for the sudden change from cooling to warming, I would be interested in knowing them.


Keith wrote:

I'm not totally persuaded that our carbon dioxide emissions are the cause
of global warming (if indeed, it's more than a normal climatic wobble) but,
nevertheless, the use of fossil fuels has all sorts of other undesirable
consequences (including semi-monopolisation of resources by big business
and governments, and the destruction of local communities), as well as
being a resource which will finally give out in a few decades (that is, at
a sensible price).

The only realistic source of energy will be the old-fashoined one of solar
energy. The *annual* receipt of energy from the sun is 5,000 times more
than the *total* fossil fuel resources. There are two basic ways of tapping
into this energy: either by changing it into electricity by means of
silicon-electronic methods, or by producing hydrogen by genomic methods,
probably via man-made bacteria.

The only prominent research unit which is known to be attempting the latter
is Craig Venter's Institute for Biological Energy Alternatives in Maryland.
However, considering China's rapid advances in stem cell research, and
given the scientific make-up of its Politburo, it would be most unlikely
that at least one or two teams of Chinese researchers have not already
started to pursue the same objective.

Every year <>>> carries out a survey among the world's leading
scientists and thinkers. This year it pretended that President Bush was
asking the question: "What are the pressing scientific issues for the
nation and the world, and what is your advice on how I can begin to deal
with them?"

At present, more than 75 individuals have replied and among them is Craig
Venter. Here is his reply.

Dear President Bush:

At no time in our history is science more important in our society and thus
to your administration than now. We have made exciting and promising
advances in so many areas of scientific and medical research yet we still
have so much to learn. This is especially true in the rapidly growing field
of genomics.

In just the last 10 years we have gone from having the complete genetic map
of just a few microbes to today having completed the sequencing of more
than 100 organisms. With the genetic material in hand of organisms such as
human, mouse, and fruit fly, researchers now have the opportunity to
understand these complex creatures so that we may one day better treat
disease, fully understand evolutionary biology, and thus understand the
most fundamental aspects of life and how we as humans function.

The future is indeed bright but only if we have a science-literate
administration to help translate this basic research into potential
treatments. With these great advances also come tough ethical issues. But
we must not become mired in these debates nor let fear and ignorance win
out over progress for us all. While I cannot accept the offer to be science
advisor I would like to outline a few ideas for your administration to

There are three key areas that need immediate attention:

• 1) Revamping the health care system using genomics and other predictive
tools to move toward a preventative medicine based system.

• 2) Stepping up our efforts in developing deterrents and defensive
mechanisms to overcome the biological warfare threat to humans and

• 3) Moving as rapidly as possible toward a hydrogen-based economy.

Our health care system is suffering from double digit inflation while the
number of uninsured and underinsured continues to rise beyond any
acceptable level for a civilized nation. We have now the potential to
dramatically change the cost of health care by using the new predictive
tools that will come from the genomics revolution. It is imperative that we
make the commitment to go the less costly route of preventing and limiting
the extent of disease rather than treating symptoms after they occur as we
do now.

On this same preventative theme we can greatly diminish or effectively
eliminate the threat of bioterrorism by using the modern tools of genomics
to more quickly and accurately detect a suspect agent including genetically
modified organisms; develop new effective vaccines without the risk profile
associated with current small pox and anthrax vaccines; and develop new
effective antivirals and antibiotics.

While your administration has made great progress in providing new funding
for these efforts, more direct funding for the National Institute for
Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) at the NIH will move this field faster.

Despite much discussion on the topic of alternative energy solutions, the
United States continues to rely almost exclusively on fossil fuels.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) approximately 80 percent
of all human-caused carbon dioxide emissions currently come from fossil
fuel combustion. The DOE also estimates that world carbon dioxide emissions
are projected to rise from 6.1 billion metric tons carbon equivalent in
1999 to 7.9 billion metric tons per year in 2010 and to 9.9 billion metric
tons in 2020.

This continued consumption of fossil fuels is ample evidence that there is
a growing need to eliminate carbon dioxide output into the environment and
capture back some of the carbon dioxide associated with global warming.
Recent climate modeling from Scripps Institute of Oceanography suggests
that if climate change is allowed to continue unabated a temperature
increase of just two degrees will be enough to dramatically reduce annual
snowfall and ultimately food production due to the drought that will
develop in our most important agricultural states.

As a nation we must invest in finding new solutions for our energy needs. I
believe that genomics could provide a viable avenue for alleviating some of
the problems associated with carbon-based fuels.

I believe it is imperative that we push forward on all the fronts outlined
above to insure energy independence, national security, and an improved
environment, health and well-being for future generations.


J. Craig Venter

Harry Pollard
Henry George School of LA
Box 655
Tujunga  CA  91042
Tel: (818) 352-4141
Fax: (818) 353-2242

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