
I beg you to think again about Aids. Please pay attention to what Pete
Vincent has written.

There is a great tragedy in the making. Economically, almost a whole
continent below the Sahara is now in the process of dying, some countries
faster than others. The only people who will be left in a generation's time
will be a small proportion who have natural immunity.

I go along with you on several issues. I'm still agnostic on the matter of
CO2 warming. However, the evidence for the causation of Aids is, to my
mind, totally overwhelming, much as I'd like to join forces with the
maverick on our list! 


At 15:33 09/01/03 -0800, you wrote:
>On Thu, 09 Jan 2003, Harry Pollard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>AIDS is a behavioral disease.
>> HIV is included in a the 
>>HIV/AIDS figures. You are tested for HIV by checking the antibodies in 
>>the blood. If you have them, you have HIV. If you had a polio shot, your 
>>body  would be full of antibodies. Does this mean you have polio? Of 
>>course not.
>>. If you test positive for 
>>HIV, it is assumed you have AIDS, are about to get AIDS, or will 
>>eventually get AIDS. Actually, there is AIDS without HIV and a veritable 
>>landslide of HIV patients without AIDS.
>Though curiously enough, the correlation between HIV and AIDS seems to
>be delayed (never broken) only in those people who are following
>an HIvirus suppression regimen. 
>>Nevertheless, we combine the HIV/AIDS numbers to get disaster figures.
>>Further, if someone has pneumonia, he has pneumonia. If he has pneumonia 
>>and he has HIV - he has AIDS.
>>In this way everyone who is seriously ill in Africa can expect to be 
>>marked down as an AIDS casualty. The mere fact that money is available 
>>will raise this figure. If I was an overworked African doctor and knew 
>>money was  available for AIDS patients, all my patients would quickly 
>>have AIDS. 
>>This is why after a $92 billion expenditure, there appears to be not one 
>>person cured of AIDS. No simple vaccine, or something, has been found for 
>>a quick fix. As this is the way things go, it is likely that all this money 
>>has prevented alternative and possibly more hopeful research from 
>>I should add that although getting HIV isn't going to kill you - 
>It most surely will, and you have no credible reference to cite
>to say to the contrary!
>>continuing the behavior that got you the HIV may well do so. 
>Nonsense. You can't catch a virus you already have!
>>Hey! That proves HIV is responsible for AIDS!
>No, twenty years of medical research proves that.
>>In today's LA Times, Stephen cried for the little kids "weakened by 
>>hunger, ravaged by AIDS". Could hunger be responsible for the poor health 
>>of the little kids? 
>Apparently the explanation that adults dying of AIDS has crippled
>food production managed to slip right by you.
>>Even if they were fed, could they change their adult behavior 
>>away from numerous sexual contacts?
>Perhaps a legitimate question. We should let the children starve,
>as they will only grow up to be immoral adults. Besides, they're
>just black africans, so who cares?
>>Stephen, the socialist, wants food supplied for the hungry. Perhaps the 
>>free market attitude would be to provide them with seed so they can feed 
>At least, til they're too sick to work.
>> We should load the UN groups up with people who can teach them 
>>to feed themselves.
>As they obviously don't know how to do it now. wonder how they managed
>up to this point then.
>>Or let's continue to use toxic AZT to treat the dying AIDS patient. It 
>>does make you feel you're making a difference.
>Yes, maybe better to just let them suffer and die without treatment.
>They'll be gone so much sooner, and then we'll have access to all
>that land, that they never seemed to know how to put to proper use.
>We need a fine follow up post here by Dean Swift. I'm too disgusted
>to try.
>                              -Pete Vincent
>Futurework mailing list

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