It is said that HIV is difficult to spread unless the virus gets into the
bloodstream of an individual. If it does so, be the numbers of viruses ever
so small, Aids is then inevitable -- sooner in the case of a child or young
person, or later in the case of an adult. 

Ask any epidemiologist.

HIV virus can get into the bloodstream of an individual if the protective
layer of delicate skin tissue is abraded, as in aggressive normal sex, or
as in anal intercourse as practised by homosexuals. 

Ask any epidemiologist.

All diseases are limited by various constraints until they build up an
intensity in a particular area and then burst forth explosively into the
general population. 

Ask any epidemiologist.

It is believed that Aids existed in Africa for hundreds, if not thousands,
of years but it never built up to epidemic intensity because it was limited
in small pockets where the people didn't practise forcible sex or anal
intercourse. Sexually, these Africans were overwhelmingly heterosexual, as
man has been ever since the species came into existence -- otherwise the
species would not have survived.

Ask any epidemiologist.

It is believed that epidemic intensity of Aids (unfortunately aided by a
long gestation without obvious symptoms in the case of some adults) built
up in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco primarily due to the
thousands of homosexuals who congregated there in the late 70s and the
early 80s.

Ask any epidemiologist.

But he or she will only answer the last question privately because, if
answered truthfully in public, he or she is afraid of vituperation, and
probably of his or her career curtailed, from those who think that
homosexuality is as normal and desirable as heterosexual sex. A great deal
about Aids and its primary cause will never be discussed objectively for
perhaps a generation or two until the present ideology changes.

Keith Hudson

Keith Hudson,6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
Tel:01225 312622/444881; Fax:01225 447727; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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