
I want to express appreciation for the many subjects that you bring.
Without your searching often operatic mind, we would not consider many
things.    I also like the way you create scenarios for what is happening on
the world stage.   It is perceptive, creative and sometimes difficult to
accept but always useful.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 5:38 AM
Subject: [Futurework] A helping hand to Islam

> Among the proposals given to Edge this year (in the form of a letter to
> President Bush) is the following from Rodney Brooks, Director of the MIT
> Lab:
> <<<<
> Science and the technology that flows from it have been great strengths of
> the United States; without them the US would not be the single superpower
> that it is today in the world.
> For the last fifty years that science has been carried out largely in the
> open and has been shared with the rest of the world. That sharing has been
> a source of great strength. The US graduate education system is the
> strongest in the world and many international leaders have had some of
> their training in our Universities. The openness and the way in which our
> universities have been run as meritocracies, not places where national
> origin or religion is considered in evaluating one's work, has attracted
> waves of immigration of great scientists and engineers to this country.
> There is a place for classified and restricted research but it is mostly
> areas that are close to application, not in fundamental scientific and
> engineering questions. The place for that research is not at our
> universities. The great universities of the US should remain as open
> for all areas of research where they act as an engine of creativity that
> feeds the scientific needs of the US and the world.
> As science advisor I would urge you to continue, and strengthen, this
> policy of openness. I would urge you to set aside perhaps a billion
> to fund new fellowships for graduate students from predominantly Islamic
> countries to come and study science (broadly construed) in the United
> States. I would urge you to direct the INS to treat foreign students as
> welcome guests rather than suspected criminals who must be monitored
> constantly by their host universities, and who are to be arrested, as has
> recently happened, when the courses they end up taking at a respected
> rate university do not match some preconceived plan.
> To reach out this generous hand to aspiring young students would be
> courageous in the current domestic climate of fear. But the long term
> payoff for the United States will be immense. It will create long term
> personal links between people in the countries we currently most fear and
> our own country. Based on past experience we can predict that many of
> people will rise to positions of leadership and authority within their
> countries. In the shorter term it will be an act of generosity rather than
> aggression, and one can hope that it will have positive effects in the way
> the US is viewed. Besides that we will gain access to a large number of
> very smart, very driven, young minds who will help us and the world in
> making scientific progress.
> Once I have convinced you to follow this advice I will get to work on some
> more radical ideas which involve funding science that is deep and
> driven, rather than dressed up as responding to politically justifiable
> immediate needs. Such science has been the well spring of the great
> advances throughout history.
> >>>>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------
> Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music,
> 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
> Tel: +44 1225 312622;  Fax: +44 1225 447727; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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