Personally, I think talk of removing the 37,000 US (mostly Calvary) troops from SK is premature – and fake.  They act as a stabilizing presence in the still-nervous Far East.  Witness the uproar after Japanese PM Koizumi revisited the Yasukuni shrine again today, angering both SK and China.  ( see ).


The US has succeeded tremendously with helping to boost S Korea out of the post-colonial period, and reducing our presence there in the future is desirable, but not at this time, not those troops.  The current talk in Washington is a diversion, allowing hot heads like Pat Buchanon to get air time, giving programmers for 24/7 cable news something to add to their daily agendas.  To abandon the bases in SK anytime in the immediate future would increase the chances that Japan would move to militarize and build her own nuclear arsenal, even though this is difficult to imagine from a country that has an outspoken anti-nuke constituency, and I’m not certain much will change when the WW2 generation has all passed away. 


Taiwan, however, and China are still volatile strategic areas.  Where did I read recently that Taiwan has increased her arms sales?  Besides, it just isn’t going to happen.  Those boots on the ground in SK provide an essential component to the strike and deterrence strategy of the Seventh Fleet in Asia.  The 1994 Agreement made provisions for gradual withdrawals of troops by NK, SK and the US, as Carter notes. 


Please read this link to story about a US n-power flattop being stationed at Yokosuka AFB for the very first time ever.  Remarkable change.  Did you know the USS Kitty Hawk is being decommissioned in 2008?  (


Today, China says that it will be more than happy to host a diplomatic meeting between N Korea and the US, and our envoy is in Beijing already.


Ideally, I would like for the US to reduce it’s permanent presence in Asia, but not under these circumstances.  – Karen


Op-Ed: Back to the Framework @

By Jimmy Carter, Tuesday, January 14, 2003 (opening and concluding  paragraphs excerpted below)

“There is an eerie case of deja vu in Korea.  Nearly nine years ago, President Kim Il Sung expelled international inspectors and threatened to process plutonium from spent fuel at an old graphite-moderated nuclear reactor in Yongbyon.  The Clinton administration had rejected negotiations with North Korea, was contemplating a military strike to destroy the nuclear facility and was seeking U.N. Security Council economic sanctions. The North Koreans announced that such sanctions would be considered an act of war.  It was clear the United States and South Korean militaries could prevail, but there would be massive casualties from the formidable ground forces of North Korea.

As now, the isolated and economically troubled nation was focused on resolving basic differences with the United States.  Deeply suspicious and perhaps paranoid, the North Koreans were demanding assurances against a nuclear attack and opportunities for normal bilateral relations.

At the invitation of Kim Il Sung, and with the approval of the White House, I went to Pyongyang and negotiated directly with the man known as the "Great Leader." He agreed to freeze the nuclear situation at Yongbyon and permit international inspectors to monitor the agreement. In return, the United States was to pledge that nuclear weapons would not be used against North Korea and that two modern light-water reactors would be built to replace the Yongbyon facility.  In the meantime, a monthly supply of fuel oil would help provide electrical power. The subsequent death of Kim Il Sung, who was replaced by his son, Kim Jong Il, interfered with the more rapid timetable that we envisioned, but these nuclear proposals were accepted officially in the Agreed Framework, also involving South Korea and Japan.

Kim Il Sung wanted to discuss long-term issues, with the goal of achieving normal relations between the Koreas and with America. He agreed to an immediate summit meeting with South Korea's president to discuss cross-border visitation among Korean families and the implementation of general principles adopted in 1992 regarding reunification. His suggestions for future talks with the United States included cooperation in recovering the remains of U.S. soldiers, a step-by-step reduction of Korean armed forces to 100,000 men on each side, with U.S. troops to be reduced in the same proportion, withdrawal of long-range artillery and other aggressive military forces from near the demilitarized zone, and mutual inspections to ensure the de-nuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Although the promised light-water reactors were not built, substantial progress was made between North Korea and the United States, illustrated by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's successful discussions in Pyongyang.

The Bush administration brought a change in relationship with both Koreas.

Rejection of the "sunshine policy," which had earned the Nobel Peace Prize for South Korean President Kim Dae Jung; announcements that North Korea, like Iraq and Iran, was part of an "axis of evil"; public statements that the new "Great Leader" was loathed as a "pygmy" who deliberately starved his own people, that America was prepared to fight two wars at the same time, and that our missile defense system was a shield against North Korea -- all this helped cause many in that country to assume that they were next on America's hit list after Iraq.

…To resolve this impasse, some forum -- perhaps convened by Russia or China -- must be found within which these troubling differences can be resolved.  The principles of the Agreed Framework of 1994 can be reconfirmed, combined with North Korea's full and verifiable compliance with the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and a firm U.S. declaration of nonaggression against North Korea, so long as all agreements are honored.

Then perhaps the more far-reaching proposals discussed with Kim Il Sung can be implemented and a permanent peace can come to the reconciled Koreas.”  (end of excerpts)

Former president Carter is chairman of the Carter Center in Atlanta.

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