Arthur said:  
The metaphore of the school cafeteria in the article rings true.  We have
> > our group, they have theirs.  We happen to like ours, they happen to like
> > theirs.  Tough to organize politically.  Everyone just wants to go
> shopping,
> > to the store of their choice, of course.
Is this equally true of Futurework Arthur?    I haven't sat in a cafeteria like that for years and I can't imagine such things unless it is in a prison.   Perhaps the metaphor of a prison would explain all that chasing after personal liberty and shouting the need for freedom at any cost.    And then there are the rich which nothing will suffice to cover their loss of ego around those forty thousand dollars a piece windows and that 8th Chateau on one of the Greek Isles. 
Perhaps you folks haven't sat in a New York Restaurant and paid ten dollars for a piece of pie and seen your cousin's face in your mind who hasn't experienced anything beyond a big Mac in his entire life.     Or spent 150 dollars for a ticket to the Met and seen the man that never heard a live orchestra until he was 18.    Or the people back home who make a family of four exist on $20,000 a year.

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