Look at the typical high school or college cafeteria.  Jocks at one table.
Nerds at another. Blacks at another. Etc. etc.

No, I think Brooks describes the situation correctly.  People feel stuck.
But don't have the political tools to change.  So, they go shopping and buy


-----Original Message-----
From: jerome schatten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 1:26 AM
To: Karen Watters Cole; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Triumph of Hope Over Self-Interest

Karen... I think if Mr.Brooks prefaced every instance of 
America or American in his little essay with 'white', he
may be closer to the truth. He needs to get out more...
perhaps walk down 125th St. in Manhattan or any street
in the Bronx... or....

With respect,
Jerome Schatten
Vancouver, B.C.

Karen Watters Cole wrote:
> I have to admit that David Brooks is my favorite conservative pundit.  He
> articulate, can turn a phrase, smiles a lot and nods when listening to his

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