
You said:

"Worse, the same global "free" trade that helps the spread of such diseases also helps the spread of slums in the first place. More incentive to oppose it..."

This was ridiculous, so I kidded it with:

"We should stop all contact between people and peoples, for they spread diseases."

You replied:

'As usual, Harry can only make a "point" by twisting my words beyond recognition.'

I don't need to twist your words. You do an excellent job yourself. You next throw in:

" Contact between peoples is certainly possible without the immoderate, excessive mass air travel and cargo transports that the "Free" Traders advocate just for profit maximization for the few.'

Free traders just want to allow people do what they want. When US Airlines were deregulated, competition lowered prices and millions of ordinary people were able to do what was once only the preserve of the rich.

Under Fascism and Socialism, air travel is mostly the province of the rich and the Officers of the State. When the free market is allowed to operate - even partially - air travel becomes available to the masses - to which naturally you object. Statists know far better than ordinary people what is good for them.

The WEF says it is "committed to improving the state of the world". If the unruly and the arrogant would let them get on with it without interference, perhaps they wouldn't need barbed wire and the rest.

Of course I'm sure you too are committed to improving the state of the world. I guess it's simply a turf war in which you are losing.


Christoph wrote:

As usual, Harry can only make a "point" by twisting my words beyond

It is the dose that makes the poison.  Contact between peoples is
certainly possible without the immoderate, excessive mass air travel
and cargo transports that the "Free" Traders advocate just for profit
maximization for the few.  It is most hypocritical to use contact
between people(s) as a pretext.  These days at the WEF in Davos we
can see first-hand how much the "Free" Traders _really_ care about
popular contact and free travel:  Barbed wire, road-checkpoints all
around Davos, no-go areas even for locals, army helicopters and
fighter jets buzzing over our heads, etc.   Talk about not even
leaving the house !!

Communicating with you without airtravel,
Harry Pollard
Henry George School of LA
Box 655
Tujunga  CA  91042
Tel: (818) 352-4141
Fax: (818) 353-2242

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