
American goods are feared by competitors overseas because of their quality and cheapness. That's why tariffs are erected against American goods.

The important part of trade is what you get - not what you send. If it were possible to import everything and export nothing, that would be better for us.

But unfortunately other people insist on being paid so we have to send them goods or services.

But reluctantly.



Brad wrote:

Keith Hudson wrote:
> In a report out today ML has opined that the
weak-dollar has already added 2% to nominal growth in the US.

The best thing about a weak dollar is that it puts pressure
on Americans to buy inferior American products and it
gives people in the rest of the world incentive to buy
inferior American products.

I wish I could buy American *all the time* --> BECAUSE
AMERICAN WOULD BE BEST.  When will we shame the Japanese,
the Germans and the Swiss about the inferior quality of
their prodsucts?   Until then, we'll have to rely
on a weak dollar to get people to buy inferior American
products --> or, even better, get them to lower their
standards so they don't want anything better.

When I was a child, "Japanese" meant junk.  When I
was a young adult (1972), I still thought
a Datsun B-210 was a wingless kamikazi.  Now I
wonder whether maybe even a Kia is better than a
Buick.  (I would not even think of buying a Buick
instead of a Corolla, because I consider the relation of
Buick to Toyotas to be simliar (remember the
analogy questions on the SAT?) --

    Buick is to Toyota as movie is to film.  (I.e.,
    it's the ersatz kitsch nauga- version of it.)

In an area which happens to interest me, fine mechanical
watches, America once made the best in the world.  The
Waltham Stone Movement is a wonder to behold, e.g.  --Then the
Swiss undersold us (ref.: "Who killed Cock Robin?", in
David Landes, _Revolution in Time_, Harvard Univ. Press).

America *can* make as high quality as anyone else in
the world, but in the new global economy we have
constructed, we have made sure we no longer can
afford to (The Invisible Hand, AKA The Mo9nty Python
Boot, stomps down on the world).  --No wonder
a gelding won the Kentucky Fried Chicken and the
Preakness: America has castrated its soul, so
it is appropriate that it wins with a castrato.

It makes me sick and disgusted.  FTFM (F-ck The
Free Market).

\brad mccromci

Harry Pollard
Henry George School of Social Science of Los Angeles
Box 655   Tujunga   CA   91042
Tel: (818) 352-4141  --  Fax: (818) 353-2242

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