Ray Evans Harrell wrote:

Brad, that is pure bunk and beneath you.

Do you really advocate that there will be no more ethnicities and nor more
tribes and the world will all speak Chinese?

Forget your mother tongue or be killed?


I'm not sure what I think of speaking Chinese, but I would
like to be able to *read* it.

Lots of things are "beneath me" (like the work I do....).
But the posting you responded to,
in my assessment, is not, I think,
one of them.

This phrase "mother tongue" struck me:  What is a
"mother tongue"?  What is the payload that metaphor
is targeted to deliver?

I know about a mother's tongue.  My mother had one.
You're lucky if your mother had a kind and encouraging
one (bene-dic-tion...).


I've gotten to the point where I continually
do "PM" on, remodel, etc. all the symbols I dispose over.
Every word in "the English (American) language" is
a piece of semiotic raw material to me.  The "trick"
is to upgrade the words without "losing" one's
audience.  But if one can make a "hot rod"
out of an old Chevy --> and it still runs on the common
roads, then maybe there is hope for words (and ethnicities,
religions, "God, country and Yale", and so forth,
too --

Don't pollute: recycle symbols


I do try to keep an eye out for what's beneath me....

To press my knowledge of the French language to
its limit: Il pluit. (An army of caterpillars
is attacking my garden, too....)

\brad mccormick

  Let your light so shine before men,
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Visit my website ==> http://www.users.cloud9.net/~bradmcc/

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