when a "folie a deux" spreads to the larger population, what is it called?
grande folie?  Or is it just called political belief system, like
patriotism.  Or nationalism.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, June 1, 2003 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] new book


        In Hitler's Germany most of the population saw a wall.


On Sun, 01 Jun 2003 13:26:59 -0700 Harry Pollard
> Ray,
> If one person sees a wall, that may be subjective reality. When 
> everyone sees that wall, that's a confirmation of reality and is
> One hopes that on the Freeway all the drivers see objective reality.
> Harry
> ------------------------------------------
> Ray wrote:
> >Scale reality is like "scale economics."     Or as you say not "one 
> of a
> >kind."
> >
> >I wrote this to another of your posts about alternate practicality 
> but the
> >bottom includes a part about "objective" reality.   There is none.  
>  There
> >is agreed reality that is ever changing and it is not "object-ive" 
> but
> >"fluid" or a constant reality of energy exchanges with walls based 
> upon a
> >lack of information.    When the information is complete (no 
> complexity)
> >then we can literally "walk through walls"   "beam me up Scotty."   
>   That
> >is the reality of the Arts and most of all the kinetic arts where 
> they place
> >their life and limb on the line using that knowledge.   Walking is 
> only
> >complex to the child or a damaged adult in therapy.     The world 
> as a
> >continual energy exchange in a fluid medium which is only complex 
> to the
> >person never trained in the Arts.   That is why so many of the 
> great
> >breakthroughs have been made by people who first discovered those 
> in playing
> >an instrument, writing a sonata or controlling their body through 
> the dance
> >or sculpting the air in a song.
> >
> > From the other post.
> >
> >That's because you don't work in the Performing Arts.   Alternate 
> Universes
> >are the tools of such things as trapeze work although they don't 
> call it
> >that.   Ballerinas involved with lifts and jumps do speak of life 
> as "energy
> >exchange" and it is non-visual and multi-phasic.   The "user 
> friendly
> >writing"   I know on such techniques is Peter Brook discussing his 
> Midsummer
> >Night's Dream which was all done on Trapezes.    People who do tight 
> rope
> >work are also "familiar" with dimensional shifts.   But the average 
> person
> >who works in mass production and who belongs to the "mean" and who 
> never has
> >a problem with drug side effects is thoroughly grounded here and 
> knows no
> >other.     Alternate Universes is called in this dimension 
> "interpretation."
> >Like the lady who was blind who invited a friend over for dinner.   
> The
> >friend came into a darkened house and stumbled.    The blind woman
> >apologized and said:  "Oh forgive me, I forgot that you were 
> handicapped."
> >What is believed is that we know the world that they both inhabit 
> and that
> >it is the world of mutual agreement or as Harry says, "objective 
> reality"
> >but in the brains of both people the worlds were objective to them 
> but not
> >to each other.   They literally inhabited different physical 
> universes.
> >Like Bees and Dogs.
> >
> >
> >REH
> ****************************************************
> Harry Pollard
> Henry George School of Social Science of Los Angeles
> Box 655   Tujunga   CA   91042
> Tel: (818) 352-4141  --  Fax: (818) 353-2242
> http://home.attbi.com/~haledward
> ****************************************************

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