Apologies for the shock, Ray.  However, the Americans are in Iraq.  They have replaced Saddam as the power sitting on a potential powder keg.  Having taken on that role, they have to stay there, whether people are taking pot shots at them or not.  As a I suggested in a previous posting, they need help, lots of it, and are now beginning to recognize it.  Pacifying and stabilizing Iraq is in everybody's interest and the US has to find a way to manoever it's unilateral position into a multilateral one.

Ed Weick
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Taliban on the increase

What will likely happen in Iraq if the Americans walk out is a bloodbath.
> Various factions there, religious or ethnic, do not appear to like each
> other very much.  As long as the Americans stay, they have a common enemy.
> If the Americans leave, they'll only have themselves.
Excuse me Ed but from your usually logical posts I was shocked to see the above statement.   So we are supposed to put our citizen military in the line of fire so that the Alpha Male dominant theology of Islam can take pot shots at us and save their lives?     And where is the jolly rest of the lazy world in all of this?    I don't like that America treats the world as a natural resource to be mined but I also don't support that the rest of the world sits on its lazy hands and refuses to participate in international problems except on their own terms.    If Europe had been less self-serving in places like Bosnia and Africa then those of us in America resisting Bush would have had a much better case to make against the war in Iraq.  
I don't support putting my relatives in the military out there to separate people who are so chauvinistic and provincial that they can't imagine living together without being on top.     I realize that Hitler was the result of such nonsense but America could have been less judgmental and more helpful in the German transition from WW I and we would have had a shot at avoiding Hitler.   I also feel that we blew it in Russia after the fall of Communism but this case of our being "sitting duck policemen" is not the right time or the right place for us to be.   I would prefer they go through their human sacrifice routine that they are bound to do and when the time is right we help the people who are capable of negotiation and international affairs as well as being good leaders for their own people.    Support the education and sophistication of the people and do not support the Rubes no matter how much they will sell the oil cheaply to our Republican businessmen. 
Ray Evans Harrell

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Weick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Keith Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 1:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Taliban on the increase

> Keith, the only thing I can say in response is what I've said before: the
> world will be a much more dangerous place if the Americans withdraw from
> Iraq and leave a total mess.  The same applies to Afghanistan where, I'd
> agree, the Americans do not appear to have done very much fixing up.  The
> place remains under the control of various warlords.  And, as you and the
> NYTimes pointed out, the Taliban are still there too.
> Yesterday I spent some time rereading sections of Samantha Power's "A
> Problem from Hell: America in the Age of Genocide".  She goes into
> considerable detail on how Ali Hassan al-Majid (aka Chemical Ali) solved the
> problem of the Kurds for Saddam.  Many thousands died either by being gassed
> or lined up and shot.  This was going on while Iraq was an American ally.
> The US was dimly aware of it, but preferred to look the other way.
> What will likely happen in Iraq if the Americans walk out is a bloodbath.
> Various factions there, religious or ethnic, do not appear to like each
> other very much.  As long as the Americans stay, they have a common enemy.
> If the Americans leave, they'll only have themselves.
> Ed
> > Ed,
> >
> > I don't wan't to be tedious about this but after writing last night about
> > the complete and utter failure of the Americans to do anything
> constructive
> > in Afghanistan -- and certainly in their main objective of finding or
> > killing Osama bin Laden -- I read this morning as headlines in the New
> York
> > Times that the Taliban are on the increase again!
> >
> > When Alexander the Great invaded Afghanistan he left some real legacies
> > behind him -- a couple of new cities if I remember my history books
> rightly
> > -- as well as genes for blue eyes and blonde hair which still turn up
> > surprisingly often in Afghani children.  The Americans have not left
> > anything even as microscopic as that.
> >
> > The Americans completely and utterly failed in Afghanistan, but they have
> > completely and utterly succeeded in not reminding the American people of
> > this. And, because of the indifference of people to others outside their
> > own ambit, this failure is quite outside their consciousness and the
> > ignorance will remain until the history books are written 50 or 100 years
> > down the line and it will only be scholars who will register the fact in
> > their minds.
> >
> > The same -- and worse -- will apply in Iraq. The Iraqis are only united in
> > their hatred of the Americans. As regards their own relationships, they
> > have become even more polarised than they were before. Just like the
> Afghanis.
> >
> > Here's another forecast. Today or tomorrow while the Ayatollah's coffin is
> > being carried to its resting place, there might be an incident in which
> > some American soldiers, despite their guns, will be torn limb from limb by
> > the naked hands of Iraqi young men. If it doesn't happen in the next two
> > days it will happen sooner or later. It will only take one BBC or other
> > journalist to record this on video, and the Americans will be out of Iraq
> > within a month.
> >
> > Keith
> > Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England,
> > <
> >
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