
I misinformed you a year or two ago when I wrote that there was a significant difference between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews' IQs. There *is* however, a significant difference between western European-born Jews (S and A) and north African- and Middle Eastern-born Jews. And this is why the mean IQ of Jews in Israel is only 96 at the present time and not more similar to the American (and UK's) Jews' IQ of 110 (or higher, some tests say). If it hadn't been for substantial immigration of European Jews to Israel in the last few decades, then the IQ of the country would be lower still. If Jews continue to migrate to Israel in large numbers in the coming years (I have no idea what the potential still is from Poland and Russia), then the IQ will get nearer to the average Caucasian IQ of 100 and might even rise above it.

My humanitarian sympathies are very strongly with the Palestinians in the tragedy taking place over there, and America (being the only significant military authority in the world at the present time in the absence of a UN army) really ought to impose strict territorial boundaries between Israel and Palestine and threaten both with nukes if either demur. This is the only way that a possible peace might develop in another two or three generations. My cultural (not religious) sympathies are with the Jews, however, because of their still-continuing tradition for scholarship. If it comes to an all-out war in the Middle East, then I suspect that the Israelis will win because their ballistic software technology leads the world.


At 21:06 19/09/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Ashkenazi vs. Sephardim??

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 7:27 PM
Subject: [Futurework] Re: Jewish IQ (was Re: Immigration into the United

While we're at opening cans of worms...

Keith Hudson wrote:
> we have the makings of a Jewish population in America of about 6 million
> with a reliably tested mean IQ of 110

The same book ("IQ and the wealth of nations") says the average IQ in Israel
is 94, i.e. 16 points lower.  How can this difference be explained?

(I won't comment on the book, which sounds like a parody from the
 "how to lie with statistics" department.)


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