Natalia replied:
> Women are ready for a woman in the White House. It's the men who tote
> most of the guns in this world, who are not.

Excuse me, how many women voted for Ms. LaDuke (Nader's VP candidate)
in 2000 ?  Around 1% ?  (And she was not even shot by the system...)

Natalia, maybe meditation does foster wishful thinking after all...?

>        Are you mostly upset because the Dalai Lama has colaborated with
> science--which may be suspect in itself,

*corporate* science (sold out to profit maximization for the few)...

> or the fact that Buddhism did not provide the answers
> to political tradgedies in parts of the world where it was known to be
> practiced and therefore does not merit your respect?

That too, and practices like monks having to run zillions of miles and
those who don't make it have to commit suicide.  (read something like that

> I suspect, though am not altogether certain, that you are confusing
> meditation with cultists' brainwashing.

Everything that raises awareness instead of dulling the mind  is fine.

> what do you propose we do about the world being owned by about some six
> companies?

Living like I do could be a start.  But I never attended a meditation course.

> > Indeed I have learned a lot about victimology from observing lemmings.
> > Even on this list.  ;-]
> *** They're no more victims than yourself, who believes the corporate
> lie that humanity is doomed to be robotic.

Where did I say that I believe this ??

> It reminds me of the corporate
> message that to quit smoking is impossible. People believe that, so they
> buy into an addiction supported by physicians, and voila, brainwashed!
> If said addicts meditated, they would realize that they are so much more
> powerful than a bunch of dried up chemical laden leaves,

I have yet to see a "quit smoking" course that *works* by teaching meditation.
If that would work, meditation teachers could become pretty famous (and rich).
Seems it's just wishful thinking.

> Mostly men are running the show, and most still think that they will apply
> the same power-over techniques to a different outcome. That is gullible and
> usually genocidal.

Interesting that you didn't answer my question on Switzerland.

> > > to the same type of campaigning that today's politicians
> > > use to influence the populous. Advertising works.
> >
> > Wouldn't advertising work in a matriarchal society too?  Or would there be
> > no advertising at all?
>  ***Advertising works. It's the manipulation surrounding it that needs
> to be addressed.

Then let me rephrase the question:  Would the "manipulation surrounding it"
be different in a matriarchal society ?


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