I've been working at computer programing for 30 years now.

There has been some definite progress in computer
programmers' work: Because a lot of computer programming is
now done on "PCs" -- individual workstations --, there
is less need for programmers to work nights and weekends.
And the tools programmers now have for developing code
enables programmers to produce more and better code than
30 years ago.  As to the "net" of programmer productivity,
I can't imagine any consensus, although many note that
time a computer programmer spends learning new productivity
tools is not directly productive.  Should video games
be counted as productivity or as costs of production?

Here I wish to describe briefly a kind of work
situation that is thispast wek getting me depressed and
anxious, and which I doubt would have occurred
before (1) the PC "Windows" era -- say, during the
past 5 years, and (2) what is called "Object Oriented
Programming" (OOPS), which also became
prevelant about 5 years ago.

I work on a single graphical user interface program
on which at least 3 persons have been working full-time
for over 5 years. All it does is display information
about the health of the "boxes" in a company's
"network".  It also allows users to change
some settings in those same "boxes" (routers, etc.).
I want to make the point that this is a pretty complex
program to have absobed so much effort for such a
narrowly circumscribed function (there is a whole
different group that gathers the information from
the devices being monitored.  I think that group (plural:
groups) is bigger.

So here I try to describe the
characteristics of this work task that
is "getting to me" (keep in mind that I feel
under time constraint in all of this!):

(1) My manager thinks (surely after reviewing it
with more senior technical management):
The program already does something "similar to" what
it needs to be changed to do, and all we are doing
is to change some of the ways it gets done and some of
the details.  Oh, yes, there are some new things
that will have to be added, but they shouldn't
be major changes.

(2) I have never hardly even seen this part of the
program, and it's not clear to me how to do the work.
First I try to "shoehorn in" the changes, since they
aren't so big, but it soon becomes obvious that
a lot of the code needs to be rewritten (often
because it was just slapped together fast the first
time it was written).

(3) The changes required turn out to be a lot bigger
than expected in #1, but it is also obvious that
due to my learning curve, it's going to take me
more time than it would take someone who was familiar
with the code.  Part of the reason here is that I
keep trying to guess how to rewrite the code so that
it will be easy to add in those new functions at the
end of #1, while I still do not have a really
good sense of what needs to be done and what
is merely including "hooks" to permit addition of
functions that nobody will even want to add.

(4) I finally get the basic code reworked (see below...),
and then comes trying to add in those things at
the end of #1.  The project keeps dragging on and
I don't get a good sense of "where I am", and
I keep hoping for the moment when I will
"see the light at the  end of the tunnel".

(0-5) However, there is another attribute that pervades the
whole thing and which contributes greatly
to the stress: I encounter something I can't
figure out, or I don't even have a goid idea where
to start looking, and I have to ask my manager
for help.  After he has offered enough help that
he thinks he would have needed to get moving
again, he starts getting frustrated with me, and
I fear for my job (needs too much hand-holding
even after being hereover 4 years).  I try my
best to solve problems myself, and I do succeed
something between sometimes and often.  Often
I run up against something where I feel I need
an answer from my manager before I go further,
since I don't want to waste time going down a
wrong path.  This "dead time" is really unnerving
since I keep thinking of the "meter ticking".
If I felt I had a handle on what I was doing,
I'd use this time o do something for myself, but
here I feel too guilty about my lack of progress to
let myself do that.

My personal reaction it to bury myself
in trying to make effort -- which I hope against
hope may lead to progress even though
I have no idea how to make progress instead of
just heat (incl. "friction" with my manager, as
per above). I withdraw, I get anxious, I get

I have timidly brought up this with my manager,
and he says that he can help me if I can clearly formulate
what I'm stuck about, and he even once acknowledged
that may be difficult for me to do.

I keep trying to plug along.  I keep tryingto
do anythiung I thiunk I *can* do, in hopes that
will help me figure out more....

Here is an
example of how "deep" I am (over my head?)
in this particular project.  Frequently in my
computer programming work,
I will curse when something doesn't work.  BUT HERE:
I'm too frightened to curse much -- partly
become I'm becoming superstitious and think
the code might attack me even worse than it already
has.  HOWEVER: On Friday, I figured out one
small thing that was wrong.  I had plugged away
at my detective work for a couple hours, and
suddenly I think I've found either the root
of the problem or at least a *BIG* part of
the problem.  So I make my little change to
implement the little correction I have figured out.
And, when I try my fix and
find the function that wasn't working
works (remember: It has now just worked once,
so I don't know yet if the problem is *fully* fixed!):::

Seeing the code work, I SHOUT: "Ya-Hoo!".  As previously said,
I often shout curses in doing my computer programming work,
but I can't remember the last time I gave a "positive"
exclamation -- unless maybe I had found one
other such fix, a day or two earlier, in this same task.
(When I am not in this stressed condition, and I solve some
problem or make big progress, I generally will breath
a sign of relief or satisfaction, and maybe walk around the
office quietly for a couple minutes [a kind of discreet
"victory lap" to cool down], but I never shout about
it.  (Oh, yes, I take a backup so I don't lose it!)


I know I have left out all the details. But have
I described the "game" (ref. Wittgenstein's "lauguage games", etc.)?
Can I clarify further for you?

Does anyone see anything to discuss in this work structure?
I think it may be fairly common in the world of
computer programming work today, in part because
individual work stations tend to chop programming up
into "programmer-and-workstation" symbiot chunks,
and also because of the way "Object Oriented Programming"
(OOPS) tends to make code more reusable and therefore
give management more of an idea that all the programmer
has to do is plug the existing functional units ("classes")
together in a certain pattern, and maybe add a relatively
small amount of new code, and that everything should
be prety easy for the programmer to understand, since
it's all built from standard units (those "classes",

Any thoughts about this, for work life in our place and time?

Anybody out there se any "ideas" ideas how to do
better with my situation? Because it's quite poossible
I can't see the obvious.  (One suggestion that is not likely
helpful: (1) Find a better job -- I am convinced this is
a better job. Sure there may be a better job in Boseman
Montana, but I'm not likely moving, and, to repeat, I really
do think this job is at least 75th percentile, or maybe even

I hope this has been of some list-related interest.

\brad mccormick

-- Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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