While I feel Said is a great man, I also feel the same way about Yizhak Rabin and feel that Ehud Barak could have dome great things if not undermined by Ariel Sharon.
Here are some of Said's comments:
        He [Abba Eban] earned rare praise from Edward Said, who even described him as “liberal
        New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman complains to us twice a week about how Arab         culture, and especially Palestinian culture, dwells too much on the past. How would you reply?

        Thomas Friedman was a student here at St. Antony's and we're very proud of him. But that doesn't         mean I agree with everything that he writes. It's absurd for him to say that the Arabs won't forget the         past. How can anyone be asked to forget the past? Do the Jews forget the past? Can the Jews forget         the Holocaust? Of course not. So why should the Palestinians be asked to forget the nakba [the forced         flight of Palestinians from their homes in 1948]?

        He evinces surprise at the extraordinary emphasis on Israeli security, the absence of reciprocal concern         for Palestinian "lives and livelihoods", the dictatorial authority of Arafat’s "incompetent and ruinously         corrupt leadership", and the role that the CIA is now to play in overseeing the implementation of the         agreement.




On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:07:10 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> A much more sympathetic view of Said from a most unlikely source.
> ** Legacy of Edward Said **
> If Edward Saids personality had been the human and moral pattern or
> example,
> there would be no "Middle East" problem to begin with. By
> Christopher
> Hitchens.
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