
At 21:17 27/10/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Maybe next time around building will be more closely zoned (read: regulated).  So that housing doesn't spring up in those areas that are fire hazards.  And where after the fires, owners have to go to govt. pleading for help (often the same people who have been on the anti tax bandwagon for years.)
(why do I have a feeling that we are talking past each other.....)
(hope your daughter and household is OK)

Because (your penultimate comment) each and every one of us have predominantly closed minds, particularly if we are older than about 25 (when our frontal lobes are fairly fully developed). Each of us who writes on FW can only hope to persuade another if we think through each sentence as carefully as possible and express it as carefully as possible. Even so, it will almost certainly be misinterpreted by most who reply. For myself, when I write on FW I no longer hope to persuade anybody except perhaps peripherally, and maybe one or two quiet (and probably young) lurkers who might have a little bit of open space in their minds. However, I am not bitter and I greatly value FW because it has given me an opportunity over the years to explore (increasingly accurately, I hope!) ideas about mankind. I believe that I have changed my ideas appreciably over the years (I would certainly be greatly embarrassed by many of my earliest postings), and am even sometimes influenced by others on this list, but I may be quite wrong.


Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <>, <>, <>

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