Keith Hudson wrote:
> Every single lifeform acts to preserve its genetic code more than anything
> else. In primate societies, rank order is the main device that has evolved
> for the selection of sexual partners. It's as basic and important as that.

Keith's obsession with the stone age reminds me of an "argument" against
vegetarianism that one hears occasionally:  "The hunter-gatherers weren't
vegetarians, so it's natural to eat meat, so we shouldn't be vegetarians
either."  This ignores that the hunter-gatherers ate meat  not  out of
choice, but because they didN'T have a choice (if they wanted to survive).
It also ignores all the changes in the production&processing of meat that
occurred since the stone age, and the environmental & health implications
of these vast changes (e.g. erosion and water pollution from animal
factories, overfishing, differences in content of fat & hormones between
factory-farming meat and wild animal meat), as well as the societal
changes (sedentary lifestyle, occupational&enviro exposures leading
to obesity and cancers when combined with eating factory-farming meat).

The result of these vast changes is that the stone-age proponents'
conclusion is simply wrong -- what was right in the stone age is
no longer right today -- today it's better to do the opposite:
Not only can we afford the "luxury" of a nourishing & diverse vegetable diet,
but it has even become the only sustainable diet.

Similarly, Keith's mantra that "free" trade and societal darwinism must
be good because the hunter-gatherers did it, ignores the vast changes
that have happened since the stone age, thus coming to the wrong conclusion.
Not only can we afford the "luxury" of culture and altruistic cooperation,
but it has even become the only sustainable way of life.  Because the
"dog eat dog" rat-race to the bottom  leads just there.

So it's time to get over the stone age  before we're back there!


PS:  To be consistent, Keith should stop using a computer -- after all, the
hunter-gatherers didn't use computers either, so using them must be wrong.

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