Bremer's statement in the following excerpt from Joel Brinkley's piece in today's NYT is coded language for:

"We're getting the hell out of here. Our soldiers are at the point of mutiny. Americans are going to turn aginst Bush with vengeance quite soon unless we leave. We'll concoct a Constitution and fling it at the Iraqis and let them get on with it. Never mind that Saddam Hussein has not been caught. Never mind that the Constitution will not resolve the problem of the relationship between the Sunnis and the Shias, nor that between the Kurds and Turkey. We're getting out because Bush won't have a snowflake in hell's chance of re-election if this goes on for much longer."

When the Americans get out of Iraq by the spring there'll very likely be a bloodbath and either the Sunnis + Saddam's Fedayeen will win or the Shias will win. It's as simple and messy as that unless -- and it's very big unless -- the Iranians invade Iraq and occupy the southern part of the country in order to protect the Shias.

As far as the American energy situation is concerned, the country will be back to where they were a year ago, having to rely on Saudi Arabia as their main Middle East oil sujppliers. And SA is just about the most unstable country in the world right now. (See my posting of the interview with Prince Turki from this week-end's Financial Times Magazine.)

Keith Hudson

BAGHDAD, Iraq, Nov. 1 -- Almost every sector of life in Baghdad was off kilter on Saturday, usually a normal business day here, because of anonymous warnings that hospitals, schools and other unspecified sites would be the targets of bombings.

Residents kept their children home from school. The United States military kept most soldiers in their barracks, and shopkeepers complained that they had no business.

After one of the worst weeks of violence here in months, L. Paul Bremer III, the special representative for Iraq, said the American strategy for quelling the attacks was to "encourage Iraqis to play a central role" in securing the nation.

Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <>, <>, <>

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