To the list and to Bcc.
I realize this is not about Iraq but it is about jobs.   I decided to share
it with the you  for any comment you might want to submit.   Everything is

Ray Evans Harrell

----- Original Message -----

EPILOGUE:  To the company,

A final note on this week past the premier concert.

Thank you all again.

If any of you wish to perform the songs or Ned Rorem on programs, recitals,
etc. and would like to be included under the umbrella of the American
Masters Arts Festival, just let us know.   We would be happy to advertise
you in the Festival buzz that will be going out throughout the season.   You
have proven your quality and we would be happy to sponsor or help you in any
way we can.    We  will also have an occasional slot on a recital for some
special Rorem song or songs that are rarely performed.   They will be
recorded so it could be a plus.   Any way in which we can help any of you
with your careers, putting your talent forward, etc. don't hesitate to ask.

There have been many hand written notes from agents and performers that I
simply do not have time to type into the data base yet.   I'm working next
week for the entire week with a Wotan from Vienna who has concerts to
prepare and so I'm strapped for time.   He's purchased the entire week.

I also have to get down to work on the Florentine Symposium.   We have the
greatest Board of Advisors and an amazing management team to work with them
on the problems of the arts in America.    The demands on my meager mind
with these experts are considerable so I can't keep up with some of the
informational activities that I would like.

Stephanie is in Knoxville for the week and doing office work via phone and
internet.    Should you wonder who the Board is, check out the last page of
the program from Monday night.  I'm sure you will be amazed as am I.   We
all want this to succeed.

We have retained Susan L. Schulman as the publicity manager for the company
for the rest of the season.   We were beyond thrilled with her work on the

Following is a smattering of the e-mails that we have received.   Some have
been more than one so I only put in one.

It will take some time for us to build momentum for Chamber Opera and
American vocal music but this is the start.   Note that some of the people
from around the country have been following it as well as a publisher in the
UK.   Harvests begin with seeds.

For those who believe that this is not the beginning consider that there
were over 60,000 chamber opera houses in America in 1900.   (estimate based
on 1,300 documented houses in Iowa)   Today there are less than 1,300 opera
houses nationwide. (Opera America 2001)   America graduated 6,952 singers in
1996 (Peterson Professional Guide to Performing Arts Programs) for less than
400 productions (Opera America 1996) and that is not counting the singers
already in the marketplace.

We will not rest until America has a Chamber Opera Center in every city of
100,000 or more in the US.   A center with two "state of the art" theaters,
a school and with an "in house repertory ensemble" and orchestra.   Sound
like a dream?   It already exists in the nation's mega-churches in the
cities.    The opera facilities will be generic, uniform (like a virtuoso
instrument) and able to share production software through common information
software all across the nation.  Their ensembles will be able to make a
living, have families and minister to the artistic needs of their
communities thus re-creating the original American artistic ideal that
Charles Ives claimed was a "paradise" compared to the present

Still far fetched?   Consider this, the UK has doubled their operatic output
and opera houses over the past forty years while America has one more major
house than they did when I was in high school in the 1950s.   (Largely
America has what Europe calls "Festival Houses" rather than full time work)
Fifty percent of the opera houses of the UK are chamber opera local establis
hments as I am advocating here.    To a small island nation or to another
nation the size of two Wisconsins (Germany) America is an artistic
wasteland.   As the British director who shared these statistics with me
called it "a desert."     That is unacceptable and we plan to change it.

Audience testing:   MCORE has for several years, with a couple of pop stars,
used audience research to draw up our theories and test our assumptions.
It works, we had a "hit" in the UK two years ago and another on the way this

As for the Ned Rorem premier concert we deliberately invited the audience
from all classes, ethnicities and segments in the society to this concert.
Since the concert we have been polling each group.

The conclusion?   This is not art for the elite but art for all.   The
simple fact is that the maids, building workers and laborers with their
children who came were as thrilled by Ned Rorem and the performance as the
intelligentsia of the society.   Both were given their tickets by
invitation.   (We also saved tickets for the buying public as well and they
too responded by purchasing the expensive tickets that would bring them to
meet this great composer.)  After the concert they stood around for two
hours in a terribly hot reception area where the air conditioning was
malfunctioning just to be with, talk to and get their picture taken with
America's greatest composer of vocal music.   Not bad!

The one cogent fact is that the intelligentsia can buy their tickets while
the average working people cannot.   That is why complex art is only
supported by the wealthy.   Its not that people like my parents and friends
on the Indian reservation, don't want good music.  They have it in their
churches and they come to public concerts by the thousands, but they cannot
afford the expensive tickets and their children don't get the exposure to
great art as a result.   I would add that I don't go to the elite activities
much either for the very same reason.   I put my money into our own
productions and my own art like the October 27 concert.   I don't have the
money to spend paying the high prices that are demanded these days for
tickets to art that belongs to and should develop the society for all of us!

So I am committed to changing this.  Just as MCORE's Gypsy Carmen at LaMama
opened doors to different view of a despised minority and our Flamenco opera
company proved that singers could and should act and dance, rather than
resembling "giant battleships passing in the night", so will we return
classical arts to the people from which I came.   From the environment that
gave America, Maria Tallchief, Moscelyn Larkin, Yvonne Chouteau, Rosella
Hightower,  Tsianina the Metropolitan Opera's Shanewis in the 1920s and
today Louis Ballard the international composer known all over Europe but
hardly known in America.  (or by his colleagues although recently Ballard
was given an entire concert of his music at the Beethoven Halle in Bonn)  Or
Burl Lane the great bassoonist in the Chicago Symphony and Mickey Mantle.
All of them from one little corner of NE Oklahoma and not from the elite but
from the common people who love art, music, dance and who consider it the
property of all Americans.

This may seem like bragging about my home state, but I could have made the
same case for the fine musicians fromTennessee just from members of our own
cast on Monday night!    Our cast was not chosen from NYCity elites but was
chosen by audition competition and was from all over the Eastern seaboard.
But there WERE a lot from Tennessee.

Art belongs to all Americans and if the best secular American art is
available to the public and marketed, as well as other fine products, people
will choose quality over the shallow.   Ultimately people look for value and
meaning in life.   Monday night they found it in the music and in your
performances of Ned Rorem.

Anyone who does not understand that we all desire quality and a quality
life, has never gone near the ghetto or an Indian reservation.   I have done
both and know all of these worlds.

MCORE is committed to bringing quality secular  artistic products to the
people of America at prices that they can all afford and for the greater
good of the future of American culture.

Following are just a few of the comments by people who have enjoyed that
product and others who share the same taste and goals.  Enjoy.    And read
those reviews.   You did that!

Ray Evans Harrell

PS:   Anyone who would like to remain on the company e-mail list for
audition updates, activities and general conversation about chamber opera,
recitals and American music in particular should simply let us know at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and we will put you on the MCORE newsletter list.  REH

Dear Ray:

Yes, the concert was spectacular.  Fortunately for us that made up for all
of the usual travel problems---we had very bump flights in both directions,
but we survived!!!!!

I sometimes think that if you and Stephanie could be cloned about 500 times
that is about all that would be needed to establish the Network.  I wonder
if you have a really good microbiologist on your Board.....

Back to the concert.  I think it had to be the most rewarding night of Ned
Rorem's life.

Also it was a great surprise to hear from Albee.  He is nothing like I had
imagined.  He almost sounded like I imagine myself to sound!!!!!....

I hope when I am a few years older I will be as sprightly as Ned and Albee.

Florentine Symposium Member
World expert in complexity and Interactive Management.
Flew in from Florida for the concert.

Congratulations to all of you and thanks for a very special evening -- it
an honor and a delight to be there. And nothing will ever equal the
experience of seeing Ned's face as he heard his music so beautifully
performed, and his
joy at the audience's reception of it. Bravissimi!

Florentine Symposium Member
Biographer, Critic, Editor and singer in one of the cities finest church


Thanks for sharing your brilliant letter with me. Although I'm not
sophisticated enough to 'get' Rorem's music on my own, if you taught me,
I'd surely enjoy him. The man sounds like a true hero. Someday someone
will say the same about you. (if it hasn't already happened)

Best to Stephanie.

Florentine Symposium member who was out of the country.
Retired Wall Street Banker and now spends his time flying around the world
working on humanitarian issues.

ray--a quick note from shanghai, whee I am at the moment, to tell you that
you scored atriumpyh--what a great show, what fabulous singers, what amazing

congratulations, and thank you

Florentine Symposium member
Author and Editor of the one of the Nation's most prestigious Business

Thank you so much for inviting me and my son.   We enjoyed it so very much.
We don't get an opportunity to see this very often.  The music was

Houseworker NYCity

Congratulations, Ray.  Excellent!  Kudos to you and Stephanie and everyone

Glad to see this, finally.  I've been holding my breath all week.

MCORE supporter and Chamber Opera fan in Seattle

What an exciting event - I knew it HAD to be wonderful!  It's not where
you're from that counts, it's what you do with what you are given and you
have obviously done VERY well!  I know you must be very pleased.

If a person "from a reservation school" can make good, maybe there's hope
for a young dancer, a budding Bio-Informaticist, and a talented artist (my 3
kiddos!) from Lubbock, TX!  I am so happy for your success!!

MCORE supporter and Chamber Opera fan in Lubbock, Texas

Hello Ray,

Just a note to thank you for allowing me to attend your wonderful Ned Rorem
program last evening at Merkin.  Very well thought out and representative of
Ned's vocal output.  The performers and performances were quite fine and
including the wonderful tributes, added immensely........(business talk

The Stan Tucker Vocal Ensemble was quite good.  Certainly on the level of
Gregg Smith with his wonderful ensemble.  ...........
Again, congratulations to you and all involved.

Recording company CEO


Congrats to you all -- last night was a triumph for all concerned.  I hope
you are all pleased.........

Again, congratulations to all of you.

New York publicist

Ray and Stephanie,

Congratulations on a very successful evening..... It is so nice when the
artists you admire live up to your expectations with their grace and talent.

opera singer

Dear Ray,
I hope you are very pleased with last night's performance. It was
delightful. - a real sampling of Rorem's oeuvre by wonderful singers.   All
my guests had a superb time.  Rorem output is amazing, as are you for
planning such a wonderful tribute.....

Best and thanks,
Florentine Symposium Member
Author and arts specialist, writer for the NEA


International Economist, Canada
Moderator Futurework List on the Internet

Well done!

Publisher Handlo Music  United Kingdom


Mucho congrats on the reviews to you, Stephanie and the company !!!!!

Florentine Symposium Member
Former Comptroller for the world's largest foundation

Hi Ray,

Congratulations on your theatrical presentation.  Noticed you have an
upcoming concert with the EOS Orchestra.  I am truly envious that you have
access to these venues.

I have the EOS orchestra's Telarc recording of Aaron Copland's "Celluloid
Copland."  I have collected filmmusic since I was 12 years old.

Again, congratulations!  All the best.

With respect,

Futurework list on the internet


Add our congratulations to the list.

Darryl downloaded the article so that we can send
it to you two years from now--when you get worried
about funding for the next project.

Futurework list on the internet

Ned Rorem called and expressed his deepest appreciation and feelings for
both the performance and the performers.   He asked me to convey his
feelings and his thanks for everyone's efforts in the cause of American
vocal music.   REH

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