
Some time ago I posted a criticism by two world class statisticians of a forecast by the IPCC. One of them also suggested that the in house nature of the IPCC was a problem. - He thought they should get outside scientists to peer review.

I didn't follow it up, although it elicited some of the usual ad hominems, The Economist has just published an editorial, which should be of interest to Futurists. You'll recall my fear was not about Global Warming, but about these monstrous global entities that lose focus and  place survival of the organization above their presumed goal.

Note the ad hominems thrown at the two scientists. That should tell us something. The URL for subscribers is:

HYPERLINK http://tinyurl.com/ufml http://tinyurl.com/ufml

Try it first - I hope the long editorial will get through. It should be read.



Hot potato revisited

Nov 6th 2003 From The Economist print edition


YOU might think that a policy issue which puts at stake  hundreds
of billions of dollars' worth of global output  would  arouse  at
least the casual interest of the world's  economics  and  finance
ministries. You would be wrong. Global warming  and  the  actions
contemplated to mitigate it could  well  involve  costs  of  that
order. Assessing the  possible  scale  of  future  greenhouse-gas
emissions,  and  hence  of  man-made  global  warming,   involves
economic forecasts and economic calculations. Those forecasts and
calculations will in turn provide the basis  for  policy  on  the
issue. Yet governments have been content to leave these questions
to  a  bodythe  Intergovernmental  Panel   on   Climate   Change
(IPCC)which appears to lack the necessary expertise. The  result
is all too likely to be bad policy, at potentially heavy cost  to
the world economy.

In our Economics focus  of  February  15th  this  year,  we  drew
attention to (and posted on our website)  telling  criticisms  of
the  IPCC's  work  made  by  two  independent  commentators,  Ian
Castles, a former head of Australia's Bureau of  Statistics,  and
David Henderson, formerly the chief economist of the Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and now visiting
professor at Westminster Business School. Their criticisms of the
IPCC were wide-ranging, but focused on the panel's  forecasts  of
greenhouse-gas  emissions.  The  method  employed,  the   critics
argued, had given an upward bias to the projections.

The IPCC's procedure relied, first,  on  measuring  gaps  between
incomes in poor countries and incomes  in  rich  countries,  and,
second, on supposing  that  those  gaps  would  be  substantially
narrowed, or  entirely  closed,  by  the  end  of  this  century.
Contrary to standard practice, the IPCC measured the initial gaps
using market-based exchange rates rather than rates adjusted  for
differences in purchasing power. This  error  makes  the  initial
income gaps  seem  far  larger  than  they  really  are,  so  the
subsequent catching-up is correspondingly faster. The developing-
country growth rates yielded  by  this  method  are  historically
implausible, to put it mildly. The emissions forecasts  based  on
those implausibly high growth rates are accordingly unsound.

The Lavoisier  Group,  an  Australian  governmental  body,  posts
“Economics, Emissions Scenarios and the Work of the IPCC” by  Ian
Castles and David Henderson. See also the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change.

The Castles-Henderson critique was subsequently published in  the
journal  Energy  and  Environment  (volume  14,  number  2-3).  A
response by 15 authors associated with  the  IPCC  purporting  to
defend the panel's projections was published in the  same  issue.
It  accused  the  two  critics  of  bias,  bad  faith,   peddling
“deplorable misinformation” and neglecting what the 15 regard  as
proper procedure. Alas, it fails to answer the  case  Mr  Castles
and Mr Henderson had laid outnamely, that  the  IPCC's  low-case
scenarios are patently not low-case scenarios, and that the panel
has therefore failed to give a  true  account  of  the  range  of
possibilities. If anything,  as  the  two  critics  argue  in  an
article in the subsequent issue of Energy  and  Environment,  the
reply of the 15 authors gives new grounds for concern. This  week
the IPCC is  preparing  to  embark  on  its  next  global-warming
“assessment review”and if the tone of its reply to  the  critics
is any guide, it is intent on business as usual.

It is true, as the IPCC says  in  its  defence,  that  the  panel
presents a range of scenarios. But, as  we  pointed  out  before,
even the scenarios that  give  the  lowest  cumulative  emissions
assume that incomes in the developing countries will increase  at
a much faster rate over the course of the century than they  have
ever done before. Disaggregated projections published by the IPCC
say thateven in the  lowest-emission  scenariosgrowth  in  poor
countries will be  so  fast  that  by  the  end  of  the  century
Americans  will  be  poorer  on  average  than  South   Africans,
Algerians, Argentines,  Libyans,  Turks  and  North  Koreans.  Mr
Castles and Mr Henderson can hardly be alone in finding that odd.

Tunnel vision

The fact that the IPCC mobilised as many as 15 authors to  supply
its response is interesting. The panel's watchword is strength in
numbers (lacking though it may be in strength  at  numbers).  The
exercise criticised by Mr Castles and Mr  Henderson  involved  53
authors, plus 89 expert reviewers and many others besides. Can so
many experts get it wrong? The experts themselves may  doubt  it,
but the answer  is  yes.  The  problem  is  that  this  horde  of
authorities is drawn from a narrow professional milieu.  Economic
and statistical expertise is not among  their  strengths.  Making
matters worse, the panel's approach lays great emphasis  on  peer
review of submissions. When the peers in question are drawn  from
a  restricted  professional  domainwhereas  the   issues   under
consideration make demands upon  a  wide  range  of  professional
skillspeer review is not a way to assure the  highest  standards
of work by exposing  research  to  scepticism.  It  is  just  the
opposite: a kind  of  intellectual  restrictive  practice,  which
allows flawed or downright shoddy work to acquire a  standing  it
does not deserve.

Part of the remedy proposed by Mr Castles  and  Mr  Henderson  in
their new article is to get officials from finance and  economics
ministries into the  long-range  emissions-forecasting  business.
The Australian  Treasury  is  now  starting  to  take  an  active
interest in IPCC-related issues, and  a  letter  to  the  British
Treasury drawing attention  to  Castles-Henderson  (evidently  it
failed to notice unassisted) has just  received  a  positive,  if
long delayed, response. More must be done, and soon.  Work  on  a
question of this sort would sit well with Mr  Henderson's  former
employer,  the   OECD.   The   organisation's   economic   policy
committeea  panel  of  top  economic  officials  from   national
ministrieswill  next  week  install  Gregory  Mankiw,  head   of
America's Council of Economic Advisers, as its new  chairman.  If
Mr Mankiw is asking himself what new work that body ought to take
on under his  leadership,  he  need  look  no  further  than  the
dangerous economic incompetence of the IPCC.

Copyright © The Economist  Newspaper  Limited  2003.  All  rights

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