Hi Lawry,

At 09:47 23/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Greetings Keith, Ed, Ray, and everyone,

Keith, thanks for this pithy summary of the core differences you are discussing.

As I understand it, you are suggesting that "our genes, instincts and predispositions", set down so many years ago, are dispositif of our present conditions and controlling of our choices.

No, I've never said that. Unlike chimps, we have frontal lobes which evolved precisely to give more thought to crude impulses, and to control emotions and automatic actions that are genetically implanted

While I must agree -- how could one not? -- that they are influential, I must fundamentally disagree that they are dispositif (unless you resort to a strictly deterministic philosophy, which I do not think you do). Human ideas have evolved dramatically, and you don't have to go back as much as 200,000 years to see that evolution. In so evolving, the ideas that we now have about the world and ourselves open up a range of choices that is without precedent. Combine this, then, with the emergence of several powerful technologies that could not even have been imagined even 200 years ago, and I would submit to you that we have, as a species, as a society, and as individuals, a rich broth of options to choose from, a broth in which our genes, instincts and predispositions play only a partial role.

Yes, once again this is the function of the frontal lobes. These, much more than any other part of the brain, have a quasi tabula rasa character. We have little control over the development of our rear cortices -- they shape themselves strictly according to the environment up until puberty (by allowing brain cells that are not used to die and thickening the networks of those remaining). This is why teachers are so important -- to make sure that the environment is as rich as possible in the time available. But, given that you're set up with all your basic perceptual skills and pretty well all your fine physical abilities at puberty and there's not a lot else you can do by way of acquiring extremely sophisticated skills (such as learning the precise phonemes of a foreign language), then it's the subsequent development of the frontal lobes from puberty onwards that very much more -- it not totally -- under the control of the individual and the selections he makes from the culture around him. Frontal brain cells are growing quite abundantly during and after puberty and where the individual can create vast new networks out of the skills that the rear cortex presents him with. This is when the individual creates his ideas as he prepares himself for full adulthood. In a very real way he is now the architect of his own software -- subject to the skills he brought with him from childhood modified by his hormones and other genetic factors.

For our purposes here, I accept your implied assertion that these instincts are immutable; but that leaves us with new ideas and our ability to create yet more new ideas, and our technologies, which extend dramatically our senses and our range of capabilities. I submit to you that these provide us with options and conscious choices that can well counter-balance these instincts, and in some cases, override them. Perhaps it will be found by historians of the future that this century was principally about the struggle between the 'old instincts' and the search for 'new choices' that serve our human interests better than action based on those old instincts.

Yes, I totally agree and I have already anticipated this in my bit above.

I sure hope that I am at least half right about this, for the development of these new choices is precisely what my life is about, and I would like to think that we have made some modest progress and can expect to continue to do so.

Yes again. What both of us have been writing is something similar to Dawkins' idea of memes. The latter is a crude idea though. It's as though there are chunks of ideas or cultures that can be handed on unchanged from one generation to the next in the same way as genes. It's more in the nature that Dawkins' 'memes' arrange the environment in which we bring up our children. Our children's rear cortices then develop according to that environemnt. However, from puberty onwards our frontal lobes can then choose what to select from the rear cortex and interweave them, associate them, play with them according to the individual's wishes. He is highly likely, though, to produce an internal culture which is very similar to that of his parents, but there's always the possibility of a break-away network which can produce ideas which are so novel that they influence the environment of the next generation. There's a lot to be said for the old Jesuitical saying: "Give me a child for seven years, and he's mine for life". Largely true -- his culture is largely set by the age of puberty. But -- and this can be a big but -- because there is so much more additional flexibility and potentiality in the frontal lobes after puberty, no-one can be quite sure that the original culture will be retained exactly. It can be modified. And sometimes the modifications , although initially quite small, can thenceforth expand and network itself into a major new system of thinking. Cultures can be handed down almost identically century after century, millenium after millenium, but there's always the possibility of something quite new happening in the frontal lobes of the rare individual. Once it has the chance of networking itself fully in the frontal lobes, and then demonstrated to the world at large then, if it has any novelty or usefulness, it has a good chance of being permanently acquired by the pre-puberty children and thus permanently acquired by the ongoing culture. Other contemporary post-puberty individuals will have a hard time appreciating the new idea of a genius -- if they ever do -- but the youngsters will mop it up if it happens to be there in the environment which is fashioning their rear cortices.

I hope all that doesn't sound didactic -- wasn't meant to be -- but that's how I see it.

But here's the sad corollary. If a skill within a culture is lost -- and therefore isn't a feature of the next generation's environment -- then it is in danger of being lost forever. Think of the aboriginal Tasmanians. About 30,000 years ago they were highly skilled hunter-gatherers when they crossed into Australia fom Asia and more than likely had fishermen's skills -- making hooks and lines, etc.-- in additional to all their other skills. When they passed into the interior of Australia to hunt the large aniumals that were there then, they lost the skills of fishing. When some of them subsequently migrated into Tasmania and were then cut-off by raised sea levels about 10,000 years ago they couldn't fish even though they were surrounded by fish in abundance! Fishing hooks and lines would have had to be re-discovered all over again -- but, in fact, there was insufficient ime left for this. The total faciltiy of fishing needed successions of ideas that probably took thousands of years to be invented and then to become implanted in their culture previously. When they were discovered (and massacred) 200 years ago by the white man they didn't know how to fish even though their brains were still full size. But, in fact, they had lost almost all their original skills. They were living in scrapings in the ground and were so pathetic that the white man thought they were hardly more intelligent than animals.

So culture is tremendously important. It's the basis from which the post-puberty individual starts -- either adopting it in its entirety (as most people do) or giving part of it a little twist and adding something new (as geniuses do).

Sorry to rattle on!


Warmest regards, Lawry

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Keith Hudson
Sent: Sun, November 23, 2003 2:17 AM
To: Ed Weick
Subject: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

At 16:58 22/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Ray, brilliant! Not sure of how to respond, so maybe I'll just back into the shadows and say nothing. You're right about how I see the world. It's a thing of interveaving flow processes, as though it were dough in the hands of some gargantuan baker who never puts it in the oven, but just keeps twisting it this way and that. There's nothing that ever stays the same for more than an instant or two. There's nothing that we can ever be sure of. There are no fixes that really work.
Oh dear! I am disappointed. What you're saying above is that you are giving up in trying to understand the world. The fact is that our genes, instincts and predispositions are exactly the same as 100/200,000 years ago. (In my opinion we are probably a little less intelligent, but's by the way.) Also, most of the main events and features -- migration, warfare, savagery, trade, oppressive government, etc -- are also exactly the same. The original processes of living have just been placed in different contexts (1.the natural world, 2.the agricultural world, 3. the industrial world) each with its own basic energy technology, and each embellished with its own unique weapons of war and other innovations.

----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Ray Evans Harrell
To: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Keith Hudson ; <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Ed Weick
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

It seems to me that you all are arguing the superiority of your own particular system as nature. Keith claims nature for trade and demands a rock bottom (gold) while Ed talks relativity and processes (flow model) on the other hand Keith gives Ricardo a sort of environmentalist bent where everything will take care of itself if you just remove all the dams from the river. Except modern nation states that deal with civil authority as a balance to diversity and that accords strength to civil contracts based upon equality rather than authority pleads the case for dams to remove floods and make cities and housing possible. Chris claims that Ricardo was misunderstood. Then we get a fight over interpretations. It is all so biblical.

I suspect Ricardo, Smith, George and others who talked about invisible hands were speaking as Egyptians who had a natural ebb and flow in the Nile that served them well for the longest single state in the history of the world. But that does little for the complexity of the present. We live in a world where wealth is accruing in the hands of the elite and where they are also struggling to gather the finest of everything to themselves and giving to the church the egalitarian purpose of serving the cultural and welfare needs of the poor. "If you want music, go to church!" as was said by a policeman in a recent comedy. We might remember that it was Alfred North Whitehead that said that it was the "Ultimate Abstractions that taught us the meanings of things" and music as well as math are one of those "ultimate abstractions."

The Scandinavian states are more secular or perhaps just less diverse so their overall secular instrument serves the needs of the whole population better. The same is true of their cultural institutions which were marveled at not long ago when their state sponsored orchestras visited New York. All of the complaints about the decay of the state as advanced by both Keith and Harry does not seem to be the case in a smaller population and a less diverse one. Remember where Harry is in California is a ferment of diversity, cultural and economic change. Hence "give us a hero."

I think the real point here is that Canada and the US are special cases nothing like England or elsewhere except maybe in the beginning throes of the European Union which is beginning to resemble pre-Bismarck Germany. We forget that Germany was a series of small states at war with each other and that they didn't want to join any more than Norway wants to join Europe today. The issue here is more complicated than Ricardo or any of the economists have thus far dealt with. Canada and America is extremely irresponsible to its citizens preferring to replace them with immigrants who show them what "shits" they are for complaining about such things as healthcare and education. Immigrants who were trained in the schools of America's old enemies and who carry the cultural bug of that system in their training. Not logical at all but myths are hard to shake.

I suspect that they are reacting to their cultural myths out of fear. It seems that most of them suffer from a Judeo Christian inability to think logically about big systems while making peace with the everyday life. Christianity has the same problem when they confess their sins, lay them off on God, get forgiveness and continue to be irresponsible. They then state the ideal as the goal while ignoring it in their lives and getting forgiveness for ignoring it. So nothing is ever seriously tested, especially the ideals. No one ever deals with the possibility of an ignorant, angry God who has lost control of his creation. Or how illogical that is in the contemplation of eternal realities and transcendent omniscience. Their description is not of an omniscient, benevolent being by any means. Petulant might be a better description.

Abortion is a perfect example. The ideal of life. So perfect that even masturbation is killing. Birth control is out of the question. Of course abstinence is the key for everyone but the poor male who was given the hormones (by God) not to be. Well then discipline. But the best disciplined is also the most likely to have his life shortened by a clogged prostate. Is it any wonder that we have among men a plague of prostate cancer today in civilized society? Why would it be any less logical that mastery of any part of the body would include cleansing any more than digestion? But we are not doing so well with food and digestion either. We give up Mastery and skill preferring ignorance and faith.

Sex is another. Christian attitudes towards sex are dysfunctional and mired in the middle class. The Roman church's answer was the hierarchy which made children of the masses and celibate (sexually ignorant) fathers who would progressively interpret the texts.

With massive literacy Catholics are now reading the bible and starting the history of the church all over again with the abuses of the early church. Might I say that it is the "abuse" of the child in the act of growing up. Protestants stressed reading, like the Jews and outran the Catholics until the present. Only wealth and power balanced their not being overrun by the world. Mike Hollinshead blamed this on nonconformist theology. I suspect it simply had to do with literacy in the masses. When Islam stressed literacy they too excelled in math and science but they had an elitist reaction from the wealthy and once more made the poor illiterate. How interesting the that Taliban, those demons, were again stressing literacy for the poor while the approved war lord today have once again put the people safely "in their place." If we were to look at the history of the first seventy years of America we too could find Taliban like abuses in the treatments of groups. The communists in China used to put the heads of drug addicts along the road to break the addiction to opium brought by the West in exchange for tea. There are no heroes here but plenty of demons.

Today we have a great turmoil in the world as protestants envy Catholic's certainty and create their own little world with mega churches, a semi hierarchy and their own schools. The answer, I believe is not a pendulum but a historical evolution more akin to Democratic decline into despotism. Meanwhile the elite wealthy have collaborated by absorbing the complex secular culture as their turf and making it economically unavailable. That has driven the masses to religion for culture, welfare and community. A Baptist is a Baptist no matter where in the world. All they need to do is move their letter from one church to another and they have full voting rights in the congregation. All they need to do to be a member is swear allegiance to the sovereign of the Baptist church. Its free and they make a big deal about that and the forgiveness before the big Kahuna because the payment was made for his anger. But does the system work? Well, it is certainly less murderous than the coliseum and is more sensitive than "let them eat cake." But is it a really intelligent system?

Keith, you are seeing some anti-intellectual elements appear in England. That is not surprising as the breakdown of Empire caused immigration into England and diversity appeared. The answer to diversity in the Western tradition is the liberal secular state that guarantees equal rights, availability of education, community development, healthcare and the right to work for the best potential of your talent. That is the balance to religion and what keeps religion from turning cancerous. It is also the balance to unfettered trade and greed. Everything is about balance and not about nature. Humanity decides balances and bases the answers on the current situation both in the human and natural worlds.

Today we are a planet alive with a coming change in the magnetic poles that severely effects the environment and yet we can't even decide how to take care of our poor in an environmental situation of our making. Nature is beyond our imagination. That is a problem with the current myths. We can't seem to consider all humans as potential rather then considering them as things to be economically exploited. Personally, I think modern "classical" economics is as cancerous in its needs as is runaway religion. I also believe that assigning nature to human activities is always a very dangerous proposition. That is not our gifts as animals compared to the rest of the animals. The silliest thing of all is the concept of property. The only property is Intellectual property that you arrive and leave with. Everything else belongs here. Everything else is about negotiation, wisdom and the courage to be who you are to the best of your potential and to find your peace with your fellow humans.


----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Keith Hudson
To: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Ed Weick
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 8:46 AM
Subject: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade
I'm a bit non-plussed by your answer, I'm afraid. Let me try again -- see below. (This is slightly extended from the one I sent you and forgot to copy to FW.)
At 07:13 22/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> Today, currency has no value, except as much as the confidence that people have in
> their respective governments to maintain printing to sensible quantities.
> Exchange rates and trade balances are thus now complicated by all sorts of
> political factors besides trade. Hence we have currency speculators (rather
> than the more benign currency arbitragers.)

I know we've been over this again and again and again, but I guess we need one more round. How can you say currency has no value when it very clearly has value against other currencies, which is why we have speculators, and against all goods and services, which is why my local grocer will give me something for it? Like everything else, its value changes, but value is there. Your real complaint may be that value has become much too fluid, that you can't count on something having the same value tomorrow as it has today, and that this buggers up all kinds of transactions. This can be worked on (and central banks do work on it) without reverting to something as archaic and inherently unworkable as the gold standard.
If people have confidence in government (as they generally did at the turn of the last century) then they'll accept their government's word that the un-backed pound is the same pound as it was a fortnight previously when it was backed by gold. And once by far the greatest economic power in the world (as the UK was at that time) had done so, then foreign investors and traders would also have confidence and other governments followed suit. And that's what's happened ever since -- unless one individual government or another plays hanky-panky with its economy (e.g. Argentina, the fourth most prosperous country in the world 100 years ago), and its currency takes a nose dive in comparison with others.
We've also had this out before. Yes, gold was patently insufficient as a practical money-in-your-pocket currency by around 1870 'cos there wasn't enough of it physically. In its place, a paper currency is perfectly practicable for day-to-day transactions -- so long as it was transferable into real value (e.g. gold) if necessary. When it's not transferable into value then it's at the mercy of governmental policies.
Despite the ups and downs of finding new resources such as gold or platinum which had effects on the valoue of currency, money has never inflated as much as paper-only currencies have in the last half century. Even when the Spanish brought heaps of South American gold into Europe in the 17th century money only inflated about two-fold -- in the 1970s, when all our paper currencies inflated 24-fold! (This is ignoring bouts of hyper-inflation which individual countries can bring on themselves.)
I think we're probably gradually proceeding towards a world-wide currency -- namely the US$. The quicker we get there the better because there'll be no currency fluctuations and if there's inflation or deflation then the currencies of all countries go up and down in step. In effect, we'll be in a similar siutation to when we had a gold-backed currency. (This is not to say that inflation or deflation won't still remain important -- they still will be -- but one major factor of international stress will be eliminated.)
Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <www.evolutionary-economics.org>

Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <www.evolutionary-economics.org>

Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <www.evolutionary-economics.org>

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