If you look at the percentage of new marriages in 1997 that end in divorce, the figure according to US stats, is 50%.. http://www.divorcemag.com/statistics/statsUS.shtml

(2000 except where noted)

Marriage & Divorce:

Total divorces granted in 1997:


Current number of divorced adults (1998):

19,400,000 (9.8%)

Median age at divorce: (1997)

Males: 35.6
Females: 33.2

Median duration of marriage: (1997)

7.2 years

Likelihood of new marriages ending in divorce in 1997:


Percentage of marriages that break up within first 15 years in 1995:


Percentage of all householders who are unmarried:


Percentage of weddings which are remarriages for at least one partner in 1997:


Percentage of first marriages that end in divorce in 1997:


Percentage of remarriages that end in divorce in 1997:


Percentage of divorced women who remarry within five years as of 1995:


Estimated average length of divorce proceedings in 1997:

1 year

Adults married and living with one another in 1998:

110.6 million (56%)

Adults between 25 and 34 years old never married in 1998:

14 million (35%)

Percentage of African American adults in this age group never married in 1998:


Percentage of households occupied by one person:


Percentage of population (by area of US) who had never married in 1999:

Midwest: 28%
Northeast: 28%
South: 26%
West: 29%

People (by gender) 15 years of age and over who have never married:

Males: 32,253,000 (31.3% of men)
Females: 27,763,000 (25.1% of women)

Number of married couples:


Number of married people whose spouses are absent:

Males: 1,365,000 (1.3%)
Females: 1,365,000

People who have been widowed:

Males: 2,604,000
Females:11,061,000 (10%)

People who are divorced:

Males: 8,572,000 (8.3%)
Females: 11,309,000 (10.2%)

People who are separated:

Males: 1,818,000 (1.8%)
Females: 2,661,000 (2.4%)

Median age at first marriage:

Males: 26.8
Females: 25.1

Average age at first divorce in 1997:

Males: 35
Females: 33

Average age of those divorcing from their second marriages in 1997:

Males: 42
Females: 39

Average age of marriage in 1997:

Males: 28.7
Females: 25.9

Percentage of people that married under the age of 20 who eventually get divorced as of 1995:


Percentage of people that married over the age of 25 who eventually get divorced as of 1995:


Percentage of couples not affiliated with any religious group who eventually get divorced as of 1995:


Percentage of women whose parents were divorced who get divorced within 10 years as of 1995:


Percentage of women whose parents stayed together who get divorced within 10 years as of 1995:


Interracial married couples:


Number of cohabiting couples:

3.8 million

Percentage of women who cohabited before they turned 30 in 1995:


Percentage of couples living together for more than five years who eventually marry as of 1995:


Number of people divorcing each year as of 1997:

2.5 million

Average length of first marriages which end in divorce in 1997:

11 years

Drop in standard of living of females after divorce:


Number of women who are stalked by a husband or ex-husband every year as of 1997:


Number of men who are stalked by a wife or ex-wife every year as of 1997:








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