I've gone maroon in my new stuff in the following.  My old stuff is in blue.  Keith is in black.
I've often wondered if they might have blended into migrant Jewish populations from the west.
Keith: I'm puzzled about these people, too. I don't understand by what you mean in the last sentence. As I understand it, there were only isolated pockets of Jews to the west in those days -- though I might be mistaken.
Keith, what I'm referring to is the migration of Jews eastward from Western Europe because of persecutions and expulsions (see: http://members.eisa.com/~ec086636/christians&jews.htm ).  These migrations would have begun in, probably, the 12th Century and would have continued to about the 15th Century.  Jews from Europe would have moved as far east as eastern Poland and the Ukraine.  The Khazars ceased to exist as a distinct people in about the 11th or 12th Centuries, and one has to wonder what happened to them.  They may have been aware of the movement of Jews into eastern Europe, and might have tried, perhaps succeeded, in making contact and merging with them.  I have a friend of Jewish ancestry whose father came from Saratov in the Ukraine.  While he doesn't think he has Khazar connections, he doesn't dismiss the possiblity.  That's where I'll have to leave the matter for the moment.
The other point concerns your use of IQ as something that tends to be relatively fixed for particular ethnic or racial groups.  Thus diaspora Chinese typically have IQs of 106, Ashkenazic Jews typically 110 to 115 and Middle Eastern Jews 90.  I've never seen anyone use as vague a concept as IQ with such certainty, and, in fact, anything I've read on intelligence in general suggests that it is a very illusive concept.
Keith: The numbers are pretty reliable -- they're the results of many tests. (Summarised in IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Lynn and Vanhhanen. IQ scores don't have absolute value but there's a high correlation between the main varieties of tests and results are consistent when subjects are re-tested. All high IQ people don't necessarily become successful in material or creative terms, but all highly accomplished people in the arts or sciences (except perhaps a few idiots savants) score highly on IQ tests.

  How people think must surely depend greatly on what they have to think about.  While some people do much of their thinking about numbers and other abstract concepts, others may have to think about getting out to the potato field or cotton patch as fast as they can if they want to live another year.  The former would probably do very well on standardized IQ tests while the latter would likely fail.
Keith: Yes, I sympathise with your point but will the future of manking depends upon our skills in growing potatoes or at other things? If it's other things, then IQ scores are probably the best method yet of selecting people who perform them well.
I'm afraid I find this a little too close to social Darwinism for comfort.  My own family may be illustrative of what I'm trying to say.  As Central European peasants they were potato growers generation upon generation all the way down.  In Canada, in its first generation, the family produced doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, teachers and, alas, even economists.  We have many friends from the Caribbean here in Ottawa, all bright and competent people.  Just a few generations ago their ancestors were plantation slaves. 
I must say too, that Lynn and Vanhanan are, in my opinion, highly suspect researchers.  In praising the book, here's what one source says about them:
IQ and the Wealth of Nations is a brilliantly-conceived, superbly-written, path-breaking book that does for the global study of economic prosperity what The Bell Curve did for the USA. Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen examine IQ scores and economic indicators in 185 countries. They document that national differences in wealth are explained most importantly by the intelligence levels of the populations. They calculate that mean national IQ correlates powerfully—more than 0.7—with per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP). National IQs predict both long-term and short term economic growth rates. Second in importance is whether the countries have market or socialist economies. Only third is the widely-credited factor of natural resources, like oil.
High praise indeed, except that putting anything in the same box as The Bell Curve immediately raises suspicions.  Adding to these, the praise is extended by one Phillipe Rushton, a Canadian who achieved some noteriety a few years ago by publishing material similar to that of Lynn and Vanhalen.  One of his findings, if I recall correctly, was an inverse relationship between IQ and the racially determined length of the penis.
Other reviewers are not as kind to Lynn and Vanhalen.  Thomas Volken published the following abstract in the European Sociological Review:
“Recently Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen have presented evidence that differences in national IQ account for the substantial variation in national per capita income and growth. This article challenges these findings and claims that, on the one hand, they simply reflect inappropriate use and interpretations of statistical instruments. On the other hand, it is argued that the models presented by Lynn/Vanhanen are under-complex and inadequately specified. More precisely the authors confuse IQ with human capital. The paper concludes that once control variables are introduced and the models are adequately specified, neither an impact of IQ on income nor on growth can be substantiated.”
I simply don't accept the Lynn and Vanhalen thesis.  Applying a single standardized test to a large, economically and culturally diverse, variety of peoples does not make much sense to me.  Ever so many factors enter into human productivity and development, especially, as the foregoing points out, the development of human capital.  At the most basic level, however, if people are treated like dogs and forced to live like dogs, they will behave like dogs.  If they are treated like human beings, they will behave fully human.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 2:19 PM
Subject: Thoughts on IQ scores (was Re: [Futurework] Talmud vs. Science (or Censorship thereof)


At 07:55 27/11/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Keith, a couple of points.  One is about the influence of the Khazars on the Ashkenazic population of eastern and central Europe.  As you know, the Khazars were a Turkic people in the southern Ukraine who converted to Judaism in about the 7th Century.  Apparently, they used Jewish personal names, spoke and wrote in Hebrew, were circumcised, had synagogues and rabbis, studied the Torah and Talmud, and observed Hanukkah, Pesach, and the Sabbath. They have been described as an advanced civilization with one of the most tolerant societies of the medieval period.  By about the 11th or 12th Centuries, they seem to have disappeared, and nothing I've read suggests that scholars are quite sure of what happened to them.  I've often wondered if they might have blended into migrant Jewish populations from the west.

I'm puzzled about these people, too. I don't understand by what you mean in the last sentence. As I understand it, there were only isolated pockets of Jews to the west in those days -- though I might be mistaken.
The other point concerns your use of IQ as something that tends to be relatively fixed for particular ethnic or racial groups.  Thus diaspora Chinese typically have IQs of 106, Ashkenazic Jews typically 110 to 115 and Middle Eastern Jews 90.  I've never seen anyone use as vague a concept as IQ with such certainty, and, in fact, anything I've read on intelligence in general suggests that it is a very illusive concept.

The numbers are pretty reliable -- they're the results of many tests. (Summarised in IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Lynn and Vanhhanen. IQ scores don't have absolute value but there's a high correlation between the main varieties of tests and results are consistent when subjects are re-tested. All high IQ people don't necessarily become successful in material or creative terms, but all highly accomplished people in the arts or sciences (except perhaps a few idiots savants) score highly on IQ tests.

  How people think must surely depend greatly on what they have to think about.  While some people do much of their thinking about numbers and other abstract concepts, others may have to think about getting out to the potato field or cotton patch as fast as they can if they want to live another year.  The former would probably do very well on standardized IQ tests while the latter would likely fail.

Yes, I sympathise with your point but will the future of manking depends upon our skills in growing potatoes or at other things? If it's other things, then IQ scores are probably the best method yet of selecting people who perform them well.


----- Original Message -----
From: Keith Hudson
To: Christoph Reuss
Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2003 2:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Talmud vs. Science (or Censorship thereof)

Very interesting. It's been thought for some time that Middle East Jews, Palestinians and other ethnic groups in that region had very similar genes (from interbreeding over centuries/millenia), and these studies are further evidence. It's the Ashkenazi Jews who seemed to have changed significantly by inbreeding from about 1400 onwards in central Europe. This has not been "excessive" inbreeding by any tendentious use of the term, but it has certainly meant that their IQ scores are significantly higher (about 110-115) compared with Middle-Eastern born Jews (IQ scores about 90), and also that the former have acquired fairly high levels of a few harmful genes, such as Tay-Sachs. (I would infer from the original paper talked about in the Guardian article below, that Middle-East-born Jews don't have any pronounced tendency to Tay-Sachs.)

I'm now inclined to think that Steven Pinker went too far in stressing the genetic contribution to ability in The Blank Slate. The several hundred genes that are involved in the formation and development of the human brain are indeed important and I wouldn't quarrel with the "70-80% contribution" as being a rough-and-ready description when thinking of the abilities required in modern industrial society. But what is being increasingly realised from neurological research is the considerable shaping effect that takes place in the rear cortex during the very earliest years of childhood (that is, the death of millions of brain cells which are not used in the immediate environment and the subsequent networks that are left). This is something that schools can't really influence. Some recent studies in England suggest that young middle-class children of low-to-moderate ability at 4/5 years age are already starting to pull away in performance from 'working'-class children of moderate-to-high ability. By the age of 10/11 the difference is considerable. There appears to be a very strong two-away effect going on between the 'basic brain kit' that the genes contribute to the new born child and the 'basic kit' (of the fairly fully-developed rear cortex) that the child is left with at puberty -- as the individual starts his long march to fairly full brain maturation (by the subsequent full development of the frontal lobes in which brain cells continue to be formed) at 25 or so. The "scholastic" or "informational" shaping effect of Ashkenazi Jews in their very earliest years of life therefore seems to more fully potentiate the original genetic inheritance -- and was then shaped even further by the tradition of arranged marriages, preferentially directed by parents towards males of obvious intellectual ability. The effect of this between about 1400 and 1870 (when large-scale emigration of Ashkenazi Jews to western Europe and America started occurring -- thus exposing their relative high ability to a wider world) has obviously been considerable and is further supportive evidence of the realisation of evolutionary biologists from more general studies that mutational and selection effects can occur much more rapidly that was realised until fairly recently. (Fifty years ago most biologists would even state that the human species was so different from all others that evolution had stopped!) I think that the same effect of what can roughly be called "scholastic inbreeding" occurred also among the diaspora Chinese who typically have IQ scores of about 106 (many of them now returning to mainland China and already having a significant effects there in, it seems to me, just the same way that Ashkenazi Jews have had in many areas of American life during the last century). I am becoming increasingly convinced that the same sort of effect is occurring more generally in all the developed countries -- an increasing cultural separation between professional middle-classes and the rest, of which that part of ability which is measured by IQ scores is a significant feature. There is a substantial IQ-score divide between north and south England, for example. The more egalitarian the education system becomes, the more selective it becomes and the more stratified society becomes.  All the evidence is pointing to the fact that the more that left-wingers want to achieve a "fairer" society (and I don't quarrel with that) by means of education, then they will have to start thinking about intervention in the earliest weeks, months and years of a child's life. My assessment is that this sort of 1984 scenario can't be achieved politically in any significant way at all, so I'm increasingly thinking that society in developed countries is already beginning to separate into two groups of different ability and that this can't be stopped. This is not a time for ideological shibboleths. If there is any possibility of this trend being reversed, we need to accelerate research into brain studies. 

Keith Hudson

At 00:19 26/11/2003 +0100, Christoph Reuss wrote:


Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians

   Robin McKie, science editor
   Sunday November 25, 2001
   The Observer

A keynote research paper showing that Middle Eastern Jews and Palestinians
are genetically almost identical has been pulled from a leading journal.

Academics who have already received copies of Human Immunology have been
urged to rip out the offending pages and throw them away.

Such a drastic act of self-censorship is unprecedented in research
publishing and has created widespread disquiet, generating fears that it
may involve the suppression of scientific work that questions Biblical

'I have authored several hundred scientific papers, some for Nature and
Science, and this has never happened to me before,' said the article's lead
author, Spanish geneticist Professor Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, of Complutense
University in Madrid. 'I am stunned.'

British geneticist Sir Walter Bodmer added: 'If the journal didn't like the
paper, they shouldn't have published it in the first place. Why wait until
it has appeared before acting like this?'

The journal's editor, Nicole Sucio-Foca, of Columbia University, New York,
claims the article provoked such a welter of complaints over its extreme
political writing that she was forced to repudiate it. The article has been
removed from Human Immunology's website, while letters have been written to
libraries and universities throughout the world asking them to ignore or
'preferably to physically remove the relevant pages'. Arnaiz-Villena has
been sacked from the journal's editorial board.

Dolly Tyan, president of the American Society of Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics, which runs the journal, told subscribers that the society
is 'offended and embarrassed'.

The paper, 'The Origin of Palestinians and their Genetic Relatedness with
other Mediterranean Populations', involved studying genetic variations in
immune system genes among people in the Middle East.

In common with earlier studies, the team found no data to support the idea
that Jewish people were genetically distinct from other people in the
region. In doing so, the team's research challenges claims that Jews are a
special, chosen people and that Judaism can only be inherited.

Jews and Palestinians in the Middle East share a very similar gene pool and
must be considered closely related and not genetically separate, the
authors state. Rivalry between the two races is therefore based 'in
cultural and religious, but not in genetic differences', they conclude.

But the journal, having accepted the paper earlier this year, now claims
the article was politically biased and was written using 'inappropriate'
remarks about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Its editor told the journal
Nature last week that she was threatened by mass resignations from members
if she did not retract the article.

Arnaiz-Villena says he has not seen a single one of the accusations made
against him, despite being promised the opportunity to look at the letters
sent to the journal.

He accepts he used terms in the article that laid him open to criticism.
There is one reference to Jewish 'colonists' living in the Gaza strip, and
another that refers to Palestinian people living in 'concentration' camps.

'Perhaps I should have used the words settlers instead of colonists, but
really, what is the difference?' he said.

'And clearly, I should have said refugee, not concentration, camps, but
given that I was referring to settlements outside of Israel - in Syria and
Lebanon - that scarcely makes me anti-Jewish. References to the history of
the region, the ones that are supposed to be politically offensive, were
taken from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and other text books.'

In the wake of the journal's actions, and claims of mass protests about the
article, several scientists have now written to the society to support
Arnaiz-Villena and to protest about their heavy-handedness.

One of them said: 'If Arnaiz-Villena had found evidence that Jewish people
were genetically very special, instead of ordinary, you can be sure no one
would have objected to the phrases he used in his article. This is a very
sad business.'

Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <www.evolutionary-economics.org>

Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <www.evolutionary-economics.org>

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