Title: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Cavema n  Trade vs. Modern Trade
And in the interim the misery index would increase - there might even be food riots, perhaps even home invasions for food, rather than status consumables, - while we waited for the government to take (re)action.  Revolutionary conditions and the further deligitimation of the system.  Food banks are a blight on civil society, almost unheard of before the neoconservative/neoliberal dismantling of the social contract in the past two decades.  I do not doubt it's a thankless task begging for food donations from the greedy hegemons of our society.  When I made my seasonal donation, this week, to a homeless shelter for youth, my donation was corporate-graded and I received an Enbridge Gas gift in return.  Somehow I was not amused that my compassion was reconstructed as a market exchange.  I reminded the volunteers there was a time when compassion for the poor was considered a communal responsibility - as it is in many other cultures, although even there it is under attack from the neo-cons - and not charitable volunteerism that looks good on a resume.  Tithing has taken on a careerist overtone based upon the number of power-dressed corporate employees I am meeting in the malls.  These are the same folks who bash the poor whenever liberalization of social policy [and increased taxes] are mentioned.
I don't agree, necessarily, Arthur, that deprivation leads to co-operation (I wish!).  History suggests otherwise.  I recall reading Ted Robert Gurr's book, "Why Men Rebel?" and his book suggests that the answer is being deprived of a perceived entitlement.  Hungry people just might perceive food as an entitlement, given its positioning on Maslow's hierarch of human needs.  Now rebellion hasn't happened - but I believe that is only because the many people who are becoming increasingly marginalized in our society are existing within a misery index that is at a tolerable level, or directing their pain at themselves.  (More the latter, I suspect.)  That can change as conditions change.  Coalition building is a great idea, but it is a middle class knowledge form, and that's about a third of the population of our classed society.  And we ain't starving, in fact many of us are obese.  Coalition building presumes a level of political efficacy.  Riots, on the other hand, are an ugly, ugly, thing to behold, as I have.
Reconstructing a new vision of the social safety net is an absolute must, in my opinion, given the direction of our society.  Clearly that is not happening in Dubya's America, and in Canada I am fearful of where Paul Martin will take us in his efforts to reduce the level of debt.  If the precedent of Ontario politics is an example, he will be a fiscal conservative who will govern as a neoliberal, and keep the liberal rhetoric for managerial shuffling that is low cost.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Cavema n Trade vs. Modern Trade


If I read you right Arthur, then shutting down the food banks by volunteer groups would increase the misery index and force government to address the problem in a different way?  That's not a bad idea as I'm sure the ongoing drudgery of running a food bank must be a major pain in the ass.


Thomas Lunde

Subject: RE: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Cavema n  Trade vs. Modern Trade
Date: Mon, Dec 8, 2003, 12:02 PM

I agree with your analysis, Ed.  
Social change is ongoing and new alliances will be formed---but out of necessity.  The three groups you mention don't have to work together or even acknowledge each other as long as good hearted middle class folk are handing out free food.  Turn off the tap and you will see cooperation and shared understanding aplenty.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Weick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 8, 2003 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

Ed, when the poor kick back politicians will act.
I agree, and in some cases they have on matters such as housing, for example.  But they can't seem to present any kind of unified front.  The people I described as using my food bank, older guys from the valley, embarrassed young mothers with kids, and the young who graced us with their presence really wanted to have very little to do with each other.  What we need is a unification of the poor and politicians who pay attention to them, but we seem to have run out of people like Tommy Douglas, Stanley Knowles and David Lewis and we now seem to have a plethora of people like Peter MacKay, Stephen Harper and Paul Martin, people who pay far more attention to the rich than the poor.  In the past few decades, the political drift has been rightward, and the drift of society as a whole has been toward the establishment of a middle class identity that sees poverty terms of personal flaw and the poor as undeserving.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

Ed, when the poor kick back politicians will act.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Weick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 8, 2003 9:32 AM
To: Harry Pollard; 'Thomas Lunde'; [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

I'm not laughing, Harry.  I've just accessed a report by the Canadian Council on Social Development that shows that poverty in urban areas, including poverty among the working poor,  increased in Canada between 1990 and 1995.  It has probably continued to increase since then.  I'm not sure of what can be done about it, but I would agree with Arthur that foodbanks are not the answer.  Neither is kicking the poor harder, as politicians seem increasingly to want to do.
----- Original Message -----
From: Harry Pollard <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To: 'Ed Weick' <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; 'Thomas Lunde' <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 4:09 AM
Subject: RE: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

Not only to liberty and justice not taste too well, when they aren't there to taste, you will be sure that ends will not meet.
Two hundred years ago, Ricardo postulated the "Iron Law of Wages" and about 125 years ago George picked it up and ran with it. Of course that's all Classical stuff  - out-of-date for these complex modern economies.
So, we have welfare for people with full-time jobs who can't survive on what they get. We even have a name for them - the working poor. We have a law to force employers to pay a minimum wage, when in the England of half a millennium  or so ago - there was a law to keep wages down (the Statute of Laborers).
Why don't we laugh? Even though it might sound a trifle hollow.
So, in ten years, or twenty, or a hundred, will we still be trying but failing to provide something for an ever increasing number of the poor?
On second thoughts, don't laugh.
Henry George School of Social Science
of Los Angeles
Box 655  Tujunga  CA  91042
Tel: 818 352-4141  --  Fax: 818 353-2242
http://haledward.home.comcast.net <http://haledward.home.comcast.net/>  

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Ed Weick
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 6:08 AM
To: Thomas Lunde; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

Thomas, very good posting.  Ontario has just raised the minimum wage from peanuts to peanuts.  Many of the poor are working full time and even double time, but are still unable to meet the rent or buy enough food, let alone get their kids the kinds of in toys ("status goods") that are going around.  They can try eating freedom and justice, but they don't taste very good when you can't make ends meet.
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Lunde <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 3:36 AM
Subject: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

They don't need money, Thomas. They need justice and the freedom to enjoy it.

In a way, you are right.  Being poor and working with the poor as customers and neighbours let's me see the many ways the poor are lacking justice.  A recent article in the paper made the outstanding statement that 37% of workers in Canada are not covered by the Labour Code and laws.  When wages for the poor are kept artificially low, then the only way to compensate to maintain a survival standard is to work more.  Of course, there are about 4 to 5% who are mentally incapable, or physically disabled or in the case of single mothers, family challenged.  However, the work more solution has only produced the working poor, who still have to use food banks and subsidized housing, if thet can get it.  Not only that, as you suggest, they do not even have the freedom to enjoy what little they have.  I would agree, that justice and freedom would go a long way to compensating for money - or as you might suggest, make the earning and spending of money a by product of an effective system of justice and the freedom and thereby create a surplus to enjoy.


Thomas Lunde

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