Seems like emotional intelligence does not corellate with IQ.

It also seems, Keith, that no matter how smart Mensans are they can't seem
to keep their records straight.


-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Hudson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 9:25 AM
Subject: [Futurework] They've lost my IQ score!

The following FT article about Mensa, the high IQ-score society, reminds me 
that I have a beef with this organisation. As a young man, I took the Mensa 
test because, at the time, I didn't quite know where or what I was and was 
beginning to doubt my own sanity in a mild sort of way. As the most junior 
of all junior clerks in a local government department I was shy, largely 
lacking in confidence and found that my working colleagues and bosses would 
throw curious side-glances at me when they saw the sorts of books and 
magazines I was carrying about with me and reading at lunch-time. So I 
quickly learned to hide whatever I was reading inside run-of-the-mill 
newpapers and pretended to read the latter instead. I don't suppose that 
fooled them one little bit, and they must have thought my furtive behaviour 
was all the more strange. Also, whenever I was supposed to be carrying 
important pieces of paper from one place to another in my home town, I 
would slope off to the reference department of the town's central library 
and feast myself for an hour on the magazines and journals there which I 
couldn't have afforded or, indeed, didn't know existed otherwise.

I had an intensely embarrassing experience on one occasion. I was sitting 
reading a magazine whose title I can't now remember with a stack of two or 
three more beside me which I was going to rifle through before going back 
to the office. On the top of the stack was The Hibbert Journal and, 
suddenly, it was lifted into the air by a man who appeared at my side. I 
saw that he was one of my bosses. He leafed through it, replaced the 
journal, gave me one of those looks which I had learned to receive so well 
and said: "M'mm .... going into the church, are we, Hudson?". And then he 
walked away, leaving me to hastily replace the magazines on their shelves 
and scoot back to the office. Fortunately, he was a middle-ranking boss and 
didn't rat on me. In fact, he treated me rather kindly after that in the 
office, and more than once hinted that if I were to resume going to the 
library again he wouldn't let on.

But I was greatly mixed up. All my friends from school had gone to 
university but my parents thought I had to get a job and, besides, I hadn't 
been an academic success, to say the least. In fact, I hated school, 
because it was putting on airs and graces then as it was trying to become a 
member of the Independent Conference (called a public school in England). 
So that's why, a few years later, I took the Mensa test in case it gave me 
some clues about myself. In fact, I found the home-test so easy that when I 
took the subsequent, strictly supervised test (something which Sathnam 
Sanghera doesn't mention in the article below, so I question the IQ figure 
that's mentioned) I reckoned that I could guess the marking system that the 
test used. (If I remember rightly, two marks per correct answer in the 
first section would give exactly 100, so I then guessed at five marks per 
correct answer for the second section.) The first section was easy, but the 
second section was difficult. I knew the questions I could answer, and I 
knew the questions I couldn't answer, so I guessed those and applied a 
marking factor for those. I then wrote my IQ at the top of the answer paper 
before handing it in.

To my surprise, or perhaps not, I found that the IQ score I had given 
myself turned out to be plumb in the middle of the IQ range they gave me a 
few days later in the post, together with my membership card. Well, I 
enjoyed those Mensa pub meetings. For the first time in my life I was with 
people who tended to read the same sorts of books and magazines that I did. 
But it was obvious then that Mensa was really a sort of marriage bureau 
and, as I was already taken for by then, I dropped out after a few months. 
But apart from the Plymouth Brother chapel to which I had belonged many 
years previously as a teenager, I had found myself, for the first time in 
my life, with people I liked and who accepted me as one of their own. So I 
owe Mensa a great deal actually and I get rather irritated when I come 
across people who scorn Mensa -- I don't mean dim people but those who 
would obviously pass a Mensa test but haven't the courage to try it just 
for the experience. (I suppose Americans who have taken a SAT don't need a 
formal IQ test.)

I returned to Mensa more than 20 years later when I had become divorced and 
in a new town where I didn't know anybody. I wrote to the Mensa office, 
they looked up my IQ score in their filing system and gave me a new 
membership card. Learning that the Bath group had dissolved a few years 
before, I appointed myself chairman of a new branch, wrote around to Bath 
Mensans, invited them to my flat, gave them coffee and biscuits, persuaded 
them to appoint a competent group secretary and then resigned as chairman 
all on the same evening. Once again, I enjoyed the meetings but didn't 
attend them for more than a few months because I moved away from Bath for a 
while after that.

A couple of years ago I decided to re-join Mensa. The subject had come up 
on Futurework List and, as I had recently left the two choirs in which I 
used to sing because I had no more puff left for long phrases and was in 
wont of new social activities, I decided to attend Mensa meetings again 
here in Bath -- assuming that they were continuing. Indeed they were, I 
discovered, but the Mensa office wouldn't let me rejoin! It was not because 
they needed proof that my IQ had not sunk too low for membership -- which 
it very probably has by now -- but because they had lost their records. At 
least, it seemed that they had lost the records for the years when I'd 
originally joined. So there we are. I'm now ex-Mensan without a current IQ.

Why have I written all this?  Well, partly as a jolly -- to recollect, as 
old people boringly tend to do -- but also to remind ourselves (that is, if 
you're still with me) that we're moving into a high-tech society now. 
Increasingly, the lower-skill jobs are being automated, whether in retail, 
service or manufacturing jobs, and those that are not automating so far are 
tending to go abroad to China or India, and we are going to be increasingly 
dependent on a high IQ, high-tech proportion of the population. There'll be 
a residue of low skill jobs remaining, of course, and there'll be a 
middle-skill band of jobs like plumbing, electrical work and suchlike, but 
the value-creating and value-sustaining work will increasingly be done by a 
minority which I'd put at about 20% now, but rising to something like 30% 
in due course. But that will probably be the limit if only because there 
won't be enough bright people to fill those jobs.

So what should we do? Well, I think we should remember that although very 
bright parents tend to produce bright children they are only ordinarily 
bright, as it were, and, in turn their children are probably, on average, 
going to be fairly near the average IQ of the whole population. Randomness 
means that a convection current takes very high IQ (as also very low IQ) to 
the middle within three or four generations at the most. Intelligence is 
very much a matter of a fairly random re-arrangement of the genes 
responsible for brain development. Looking at the population as a whole, 
the brightest and the dimmest tend to produce children in the middle range, 
while it is the mass of people in the middle who throw up the subnormal IQs 
and also those very few geniuses on whom civilisation has depended.

There are two alternative scenarios for tomorrow's world. We either try to 
recreate natural communities again in which we all look after one another 
on a local scale (doing it on a national scale is already proving to be a 
financial failure) or we carry on as we are by having increasingly 
efficient methods of selecting intelligent individuals and then scooping 
them away from where they were born, sending them to university and then 
onwards to the ends of the earth -- these days quite literally so. The 
problem with the latter scenario is that if technological development 
proceeds increasingly rapidly -- as it has done during the last century -- 
then the convection currents of IQ distribution from one generation to 
another as described above decreasingly applies.

The high IQ portion of the population, instead of merging into the mass, 
will tend to remain distinct from the rest. Not only this, but the 
persistent use of selection for education as applied to the less talented 
part of the population in order to find the increasngly rare genius will 
act as a ratchet. In fact, it will be exactly the same effect that the 
viscissitudes of our environment have had on the whole evolution of man as 
we and the chimpanzees broke away from the original common stock. In those 
times, the less succeeful were culled -- pretty tout de suite -- but in our 
day, at least so far, we are carrying an increasingly larger part of a 
dependent population and keeping them in reasonably good health. At least 
they are not dying in large numbers. Not yet anyway.

So we have a choice. Either we revert to the small communities of the past, 
to which our behavioural instincts already predispose us and in which we 
look after one another -- though thankful when the occasional very bright 
individual is born (who will be increasingly able to be educated to the 
very highest levels of scholarship on the Internet) -- or we continue with 
the present selective tendency which takes them away from the community and 
run the risk of producing two sub-species. Once this proceeds too far then 
we know from evolutionary studies of many species that this form of 
brachiation (known as sympatric speciation) cannot then be prevented. It 
will proceed at a rapid pace.

Just one correction should be made to Sathnam Sanghera's article. Mensans 
are not geniuses and some geniuses would not pass the Mensa test. Some 
geniuses are very bright, of course, often far above the entry level for 
Mensa. But some are not. Genius is about obsessiveness in choosing 
particular problems and persistence in tackling them. They shake a problem 
to pieces as a dog does with a rat. This is what I am attempting to do in 
the subject of economics because I think it is about time that it 
established itself as a science like several other humanistic disciplines 
have done recently. While I am certainly an ex-Mensan, I am not sure yet 
whether I am a genius.

Keith Hudson


Sathnam Sanghera

The other week I learned something new and rather exciting about myself I 
am a genius. At the invitation of Mensa, I spent 45 minutes completing 
their Home Test, the first step you need to take to join the high IQ 
society, sent it off in the post to be marked, and waited for the result.

A letter came back a few days later saying I had an IQ of 155. To put this 
in a bit of context the average IQ is 100; to qualify for Mensa, which 
takes only the top 2 per cent of the population, you need an IQ of 148 or 
above. A score of 155 puts me in the top 1 per cent. In short, I am very 
clever indeed.

But while this happy letter from Mensa confirmed what I had always quietly 
suspected, it presented a problem. I had also got four colleagues to 
complete the Home Test and was now terrified that they had fared worse than 
me. I would have to tell them my brilliant score, they would have to face 
the fact that they were not as bright as me, and, frankly, it would be 
awkward. Nobody likes a show-off.

My heart skipped a beat as they opened their respective envelopes. FT 
columnist Lucy Kellaway was first. It was a relief to see the slight smirk 
she had got 155 too. management editor Mike Skapinker was next. Again, that 
giveaway smug grin. 155 too. Then it was Paul Solman, the deputy features 
editor. A self-satisfied smile. 155. Ditto for employment correspondent 
David Turner.

In one way it was the ideal result - none of us were exposed as being 
measurably dimmer than the rest. But I couldn't help feeling deflated. It's 
fun being a genius, but when everyone around you is a genius too, it's not 
so exciting. I began wondering about the accuracy of the Mensa test. Lucy 
Kellaway, the genius that she is, did a calculation on the back of an 
envelope showing that the likelihood of us all having an IQ of 155 was 
somewhere around one in 24m.

I fired off an e-mail to John Stevenage, the chief executive of Mensa, 
asking why we had all attained the same fantastic score. His prompt reply 
listed several possible explanations we all work for the same clever 
newspaper so a high score is "quite possible" (our favourite explanation); 
some of us might not have kept very strictly to the allotted 45 minutes 
(our least favourite explanation); the Home Test is only a trial indicator 
- in order to formally join Mensa you need to pass a more reliable 
supervised IQ test, or submit a qualifying test score from an approved test.

But my genius colleagues and I came up with an alternative theory Mensa is 
so desperate for members that it flatters people who complete the free Home 
Test in the hope that they will then sit a supervised IQ test and become 
paid-up members. It's a horrible, cynical thing to suggest about a great 
British institution such as Mensa - but could it be true? Surely Mensa 
isn't that desperate?

Unfortunately, membership figures for the society, which was set up in 1946 
by Lancelot Ware, a postgraduate Oxford student, and Roland Berrill, an 
Australian with a private fortune, suggest that it might be. Membership in 
the UK currently stands at a lowly 26,247 - the lowest figure in 15 years, 
more than 17,400 below the figure 10 years ago, when membership reached an 
all-time high of 43,652. While Mensa has a worldwide membership of 98,861, 
British Mensa, the heart and home of the society, is in a very sorry state 

So what has gone wrong? Well, pretty much everything. Mensa did very well 
for a period between 1980 and 1997, when Sir Clive Sinclair was chairman, 
growing from about 8,000 members to about 36,000 when he stepped down. The 
expansion was the result of Sinclair's high public profile in the 1980's 
and the work of chief executive Harold Gale, who aggressively increased 
membership by placing Mensa puzzles and adverts in newspapers.

But things went very wobbly in the mid-1990's when Gale was unceremoniously 
sacked for running a small puzzle business out of Mensa offices. Though his 
appeal to an industrial tribunal was successful, he never got over the 
depression generated by the publicity. In 1997 the 55-year-old drove his 
car into a railway bridge support arch. The official verdict was accidental 
death, but those close to him believe he took his own life. Before setting 
out he had left a note on his kitchen table. "It would have been better," 
he was reported to have written, "if Sir Clive and the Mensa committee had 
put a contract out on me than let me endure the last two years."

Things continued to fall apart when Sir Clive was in 1997 replaced as 
chairman by Julie Baxter, a sociable 45-year-old from Lancashire, the first 
ever female chairman of Mensa. In 1998 she resigned following a vote of no 
confidence passed at the society's annual meeting in Bournemouth. She had 
already been sacked once before by the board but was reinstated by the 
membership. She finally left threatening to set up a rival organisation, 
complaining that Mensa's leaders were "sexist, manipulative and bullying" 
and that there were "dark forces at work".

Speaking at the Mensa headquarters in Wolverhampton, where the society's 
collapse in membership has left the premises partially empty (they are 
looking for smaller offices), Mensa's current leadership - 47-year-old 
chief executive John Stevenage, and 55-year-old chairman Sylvia Herbert, a 
freelance PR consultant, admit that Mensa has been through a very difficult 
period. "In 1999 membership numbers were in freefall," says Stevenage. "It 
was a bit like stopping the Titanic going down. But we seem to have 
stabilised now."

Asked to explain why membership has collapsed so spectacularly, the two 
reel off contributing factors Mensa suffered as a result of bad publicity 
over the Gale and Baxter affairs; the society can no longer afford to run 
adverts in the papers ("money got tight in the 1990's"); the membership fee 
has increased from £25 to £40; people have an increasingly large choice of 
things to do with their leisure time. But there is, I would suggest, 
another possibility Mensa has a serious, almost insurmountable image 
problem. Rather than having cachet, membership of Mensa is now considered a 
mark of social inadequacy.

Again, it's a horrible thing to suggest, but I attended a recent Mensa 
social evening in London to see whether or not my prejudices were well 
placed. There are countless Mensa social meetings taking place every month 
- many of them, called Special Interest Groups, focus on particular areas 
of interest, ranging from board games to bible study to greyhound racing. 
The meeting I went to was a fairly unexotic new members meeting in a pub 
just off Oxford Street.

As with nearly all Mensa gatherings, the men outnumbered the women around 
two to one. And not everyone, of course, was a social misfit. But there 
were certainly more than your average proportion of eccentrics in the 
crowd. One middle-aged man arrived dressed in a yellow running top and 
tight black hotpants, looking a little like one of the guys from that 118 
118 advert (On asking whether he had just come back from a jog, I was told 
"No, that's his casualwear."). There was also an elderly gentleman in a 
tweed jacket who was using a tie as a belt.

When I asked a few members why they had joined, they all, invariably, gave 
the same answers to prove that they were intelligent, despite having no 
flash academic qualifications; to meet like-minded people socially. Some of 
them had even met their long-term partners through Mensa. It confirmed what 
has long been said about the society, that it is essentially a social club 
or even a dating agency for nerds - "somewhere for egg-heads to get laid", 
or rather, somewhere for eggheads with chips on their shoulders to get 
laid. The last thing I witnessed as I left the meeting were two members 
snogging each other to death at the bar.

"Mensa is essentially a social thing," says Herbert, who was recently the 
face of Mensa in the BBC's IQ experiment, Test the Nation, and who 
enthusiastically reveals that Mensa has heard of seven engagements between 
members in the past 12 months. "If you have a high intellect sometimes 
you're not understood by the general population. At Mensa you will find 
like-minded people who will laugh at your jokes and that sort of thing."

However, when it was originally founded, with the aim of recruiting the top 
1 per cent, rather than the top 2 per cent of the most intelligent people 
in Britain, Mensa wasn't just perceived as a social club. There was talk of 
members possibly advising governments. Even now it officially it has three 
aims, of which only one is "to provide a stimulating social environment for 
its members". The other two aims are "to identify and foster human 
intelligence for the benefit of humanity" and "to encourage research into 
the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence".

Many Mensans have tried to get the society to do something useful, in line 
with these latter aims, but efforts rarely get anywhere. In 1990 there was 
talk of setting up a school in London for gifted children, but it didn't 
happen. A while back a prominent member talked about setting up a sperm 
bank, but that didn't happen either. A few years ago, Mensa International, 
the umbrella organisation (national branches are almost completely 
independent of each other) launched Mensa Intellectual Capital Ventures, to 
offer advice to members who wanted to convert ideas and inventions into 
reality. Nothing has hit the market yet.

And this, perhaps, is the main reason why Mensa is doing so badly. It lacks 
a sense of purpose. What is the point of a bunch of people with high IQ's 
getting together? And surely IQ tests simply measure one's competence at IQ 
tests rather indicating real "intelligence"? Besides, with the internet, 
nerds now have thousands of opportunities to get in touch with each other - 
ways that don't require the hassle of an IQ test.

Mensa's leadership, of course, reject the suggestion that Mensa's time may 
have been and gone. They say membership levels are stabilising, that a new 
website next year will boost recruitment, and that it is becoming 
fashionable to be clever. Stevenage is confident that Mensa can expand 
commercially the international organisation has just signed a new global 
publishing deal to release Mensa puzzle books, it is working on releasing a 
Mensa board game, and Stevenage is pushing the Mensa brand into new areas. 
"There's lots of potential - we could do IQ testing for companies."

But Jane Baxter, the former Mensa chairman who was ousted a couple of years 
ago, is not optimistic. "Where is Mensa going? Nowhere," declares the woman 
who now runs an internet-based society called Atticus, designed to "explore 
emotional intelligence in relation to religion, psychology and philosophy." 
"It's outdated. There's a lot of social and professional mobility and 
people just don't have a need for it. It's sad but I just don't think it's 
very relevant."

Harsh words, no doubt coloured by bitterness and rejection. But I can't 
help thinking she may have a point. And what I think must count for 
something -- I am a genius after all.

Financial Times -- 12 December 2003

Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <>

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