Years ago there was a published theory that all addictions were just allergies that kept the body from getting what it needed because it couldn't absorb the allergen.   So obese people had food allergies that kept them from being satisfied and they continued to eat in the search for satisfaction.   Their bodies converted everything they ate to fat but couldn't use it for the purpose that it needed because of the allergy.  Their need never registered being satiated so they continued to eat.  There is some truth to that with such things as carbohydrates for some people.   That is a phenomenon with certain muscular actions in the body that continue to act in the muscles long after the need for the action is gone.   That seems not to be allergic but habitual with the consciousness relegating the action to the unconscious.   Complicated, but it is an interesting thought.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] Status and Honours

Or , perhaps, it is an addiction.  An addiction that society supports and likes.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Evans Harrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 5:20 PM
To: Karen Watters Cole; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Status and Honours

Sounds like they all have buying allergies.   Nothing works so they just have to keep buying and buying and buying and buying.    Sort of like some food allergies that make you very fat trying to get nourishment but never succeeding.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 11:52 AM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] Status and Honours

Here is the beginning of a weekend magazine article on consumerism though I wasn't sure if it was more appropriate for the Virginia Postrel post today.  It's worth reading through this to get to the capuchin monkeys.

Also note references to the cult of workaholism, competitive consumerism and perceptions of fairness. Lots of good sociological observation here, enough to make some of us very ill and hope not everyone in the Third World thinks we are all this way. Just this weekend I heard taped political commentary by Paul Krugman (here in Portland for a book tour) deploring that despite the wealth of America our poor are not better off than other [KWC] comparable nation's poor, if only because of the cost of and lack of health care - and housing.

References to other writings included. Please go to the link and check out the photo of the first consumer profiled. At 14 pages and 77KB the word formatted document won't go through the FW filter. - KWC

Quote: "Consumerism was the triumphant winner of the ideological wars of the 20th century, beating out both religion and politics as the path millions of Americans follow to find purpose, meaning, order and transcendent exaltation in their lives. Liberty in this market democracy has, for many, come to mean freedom to buy as much as you can of whatever you wish, endlessly reinventing and telegraphing your sense of self with each new purchase...."This society of goods is not merely the inevitable consequence of mass production or the manipulation of merchandisers. It is a choice, never consciously made, to define self and community through the ownership of goods."

Quote: "I have a very dark view of human nature," Small says. "I think the reason the monkey study has gotten so much publicity is that it touches something in all of us . . . There is a contingent that says the reason humans have such big brains is to keep track of social information, and we keep track of it all day long, including who got what."

In recent years, who has gotten what in the United States might leave the capuchins screeching. In the decades following World War II, Americans in almost every income bracket saw their earnings increase at about the same rate. Since the early 1970s, however, the very wealthiest Americans have enjoyed virtually all the income growth, creating what Cornell economist Robert H. Frank calls a winner-take-all society. The lucky few have largely spent what they've earned, he says. In the process they've shaped everyone else's perceptions of what constitutes the good life."

Acquiring Minds
Inside America's All-Consuming Passion

By April Witt, WP Staff Writer, Sunday, December 14, 2003; Page W14 @

A blonde with a perfect blow-dry flips through the pages of Us magazine on the morning shuttle to New York. She's not interested in reading about celebrities; she just wants to check out what they're wearing. "I have this dress," she says, pointing to a photograph of actress Jada Pinkett Smith wearing a $2,300 bronze-toned satin Gucci cocktail dress with a wide belt shaped like a corset.

The fall shopping season is almost over, and Jamie Gavigan, a colorist at a Georgetown hair salon, is heading to New York City on one last fashion mission. She wants to find a killer cocktail dress and satisfy her special footwear urges at the Manolo Blahnik shoe salon.

Jamie shops in Washington, too, at Neiman Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue and some pricey boutiques. But two or three times a year, the 36-year-old single mother flies to New York to more fully indulge her fashion passions. It's her reward for standing on her feet nine hours a day, mixing chemicals and working straight through lunch to earn the six-figure income that makes these shopping expeditions possible.

When the shuttle lands at La Guardia, Jamie hops into a cab and heads to her favorite department store, Barneys, at 61st and Madison, one of the culture's new cathedrals, where the affluent bring their soaring aspirations for better living through luxury shopping. "It's all good here," she says. "It's disturbing, isn't it? I like everything they have."

On her feet, she's wearing $750 Manolo Blahnik black suede boots with four-inch-high stiletto heels. On her arm, she's carrying a blue Birkin tote bag by Hermes de Paris. If you could buy one, which now you can't, prices for the Birkin would start at $5,000 for plain leather and climb to more than $70,000 for crocodile renditions with diamond-encrusted hardware. Swamped in recent years by demand for the bag, Hermes had been asking would-be customers to put their names on a waiting list. Jamie waited two years for her Birkin to arrive. Last year, Hermes stopped adding names to the list.

...Deny it, outraged, if you will. Rail against unchecked materialism like some puritanical scold. Pray for the soul of a nation wandering lost in the malls, more likely to shop than to vote, volunteer, join a civic organization or place a weekly donation in the collection plate of a local house of worship.

Consumerism was the triumphant winner of the ideological wars of the 20th century, beating out both religion and politics as the path millions of Americans follow to find purpose, meaning, order and transcendent exaltation in their lives. Liberty in this market democracy has, for many, come to mean freedom to buy as much as you can of whatever you wish, endlessly reinventing and telegraphing your sense of self with each new purchase. Over the course of the century the culture of consumption and American life became "so closely intertwined that it is difficult for Americans to see consumerism as an ideology or to consider any serious alternatives or modifications to it," historian Gary Cross writes in An All- Consuming Century: Why Commercialism Won in Modern America. "This society of goods is not merely the inevitable consequence of mass production or the manipulation of merchandisers. It is a choice, never consciously made, to define self and community through the ownership of goods."

Luxury goods in particular -- from SUVs with heated leather seats to wide-screen TVs and stainless steel ranges the size of tanks -- have become such accepted symbols of the good life that they are considered must-haves, even by those who can't really afford them. The pursuit of them has become so intertwined with the pursuit of happiness that professor and author James B. Twitchell talks about the shopper's epiphany: "It's that feeling of, phew, I found it, I am saved."

Call it shallow, Twitchell says, but a belief system that allows people to reinvent themselves through shopping is a heck of a lot fairer than the old systems where rank was a birthright and largely immutable. And competitive consumerism is a lot less bloody than epic battles over whose God is greater.

Consumers like Jamie live and shop at the nexus of two of the most powerful forces shaping luxury consumerism: the concentration of wealth among top American wage earners and mass media that bombard consumers at every income level with images of the lush lifestyles that money can buy.

Celebrities in particular have become pied pipers of consumption. Salma Hayek wearing a corset-like Versace on the cover of InStyle magazine can trigger a nationwide run on the dress. Teenage boys watching "MTV Cribs" dream about owning the Mercedes S600 and G500 parked in the driveway of football star Terrell Owens's home. Viewers desire so much of what they see on "Sex and the City" that the HBO Web site offers virtual tours of the main characters' apartments and lists where to buy some of their possessions.

"The assumption is that celebrities have access to everything," explains Hal Rubenstein, fashion director of InStyle magazine. "Consequently, if a celebrity chooses to carry a Birkin bag out of all the things in the world they could possibly carry, then she in some odd way starts acting like an editor or personal shopper. If Sarah Jessica Parker can have all those things, and a Birkin bag is good enough for her, then it's good enough for me. It's that simple."

Nineteenth-century philosophers and economists who viewed goods as utilitarian envisioned a not-so-distant day when American technical and manufacturing prowess would easily provide for everyone's basic material needs, freeing all workers to enjoy more family time and leisure. In the 1930s, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted that within a few generations everyone would be working two-hour days.

"Their assumption was that our needs would be satisfied," Cross says. "That was the assumption through most of human history. What happened, of course, is that they were wrong. We never have maxed out on goods. Now, we realize that goods are not essentially about satiating material needs, physical needs, but rather psychological and social ones. And those needs, it would appear, are absolutely endless."


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