Hi Victor,

>* use more precise docbook tags in many places

Your changes are good. However, a cursory inspection of the HTML output
shows something isn't quite right. There's a strange character in the
section headings (after the section number).

eg. It looks like "1.,Name" instead of "1. Name".

I haven't time to delve further at the moment.

Also, the use of 2 <simplelist>s in fvwm/initialization.xml doesn't
have the desired effect (horizontal whitespace) in HTML output.

> * tables:
>       - The old manpage use manually written tables where needed,
>       the new use docbook generated tbl code for tables.
>       There is a docbook limitation that the entire table must either be
>       in borders or without them.
>       My opinion: tables look better with only iner borders, but it's
>       not worth hacking docbook to get around the limitation.

The most annoying thing (to me) about the table output is that it
doesn't make efficient use of horizontal space. I think it's a
limitation (bug?) of the tbl system.

> * examples:
>       - keywords in programlistings are marked up (since they are links)
>       but used to be displayed in plain text in the manpage.
>       My opinion: It's a lot of formatting in an example. Maybe fvwmrefs
>       in programlistings shouldn't add extra markup in manpage output.

The change is deliberate, but can be altered. Personally I like it
because it conveys extra information. What do other users think?

> * lists:
>       - list take up more space in docbook.
>       My opinion: case to case basis. Most lists have sort items, so
>       they will never split over multiple lines, so it will just be lots
>       of extra whitespace as a result.

I agree there's room for improvement here. But, as it's purely cosmetic,
I'm unlikely to address it anytime soon.

> * sections:
>       - Subsections are typeset withoutupper case in docbook. The old
>       man page used uppercase for both sections and subsections.
>       My opinion: don't care

That is a known bug (on my TODO list). I don't think man defaults to a
case INsensitive search by default so it should definitely be fixed.
(I occassionally use case sensitive searches in man pages.)

>       - Subsubsections and subsubsubsection are typeset as subsections.
>       My opinion: should be fixed

Are you referring to indentation?

> * commands:
>       - used to have their own synapsis on the title line, now on its
>       own line.
>       My opinion: the old way looks better

Agreed. But I haven't found a suitable way to get the "old" look.

> * missing sections:
>       - The sections AUTO-RAISE, BOOLEAN ARGUMENTS and
>       CONDITIONAL COMMANDS AND RETURN CODES are missing in the docbook
>       man page.
>       My opinion: The sections should be restored, unless a motivation
>       for not including them can be given.

It doesn't seem consistent to have extra info about a single module.
There's already a description of modules in the Module command section.

Useless. (IMO of course)

I must have overlooked this one. I agree that it should be re-included.
(preferably as a _sub_ section?)

Scott. :)

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