Le Sun, 17 Apr 2011 14:12:03 -0500,
"Jason L Tibbitts III" <ti...@math.uh.edu> a écrit :

> >>>>> "TA" == Thomas Adam <tho...@fvwm.org> writes:
> TA> You've been around here long enough by now to *surely* appreciate
> TA> it's up to Jason to move them out of ftp:// to the links shown
> TA> above? 
> Sorry about that; I was busy doing yard work and "home stuff" all of
> yesterday and didn't get back to my computer until this morning.

I know what this is.

> Everything's been put in place and announced.

Thank you !
> Maybe after we finish with the git thing we can work out a better way
> to handle releases than blocking the process on me.

I am just surprised that the release was announced before than the files
was in place and avaible. I will remember this for the next time.


>  - J<

"We have the heroes we deserve."

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