Thomas Funk <> writes:

> Hi Dan,

> I've analyzed your rewritten and there are couple
> of things.
> - under Debian systems it doesn't work out of the box, because there's
> no Therefore the program ends in some python
> errors:
> pydev debugger: starting
> It must be checked if it exist *before* it will be parsed because the
> parse routine in xdg.Menu doesn't do that.
> Fix in main():
>     if os.path.exists(menu):
>         parsemenu(xdg.Menu.parse(menu), top)


> - some menu entries doesn't work because of these trailing %U, %f,
> etc. Therefore these parts must be eliminated:
> Fix in parsemenu():
>     m = re.compile('%[A-Z]?', re.I)
>     :
>             execProgram = m.sub('', desktop.getExec())

Applied but I'm not so sure removing %A-Za-z from all exec commands
is a good idea. Isn't there a more limited set of these?

> - if you want to use icons with "--enable-mini-icons" no icons can be
> saved because no "icons" dir exist. Therefore it has to be explicit
> created:
>     if not os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser(icon_dir)):
>         os.system("mkdir " + os.path.expanduser(icon_dir))


> some icons defined in the desktop files won't be created because they
> are svgs. But convert can't convert to .svg
> Fix in geticonfile() to convert also svgs:
>     if not iconpath == None:
>         extension = os.path.splitext(iconpath)[1]
>     :
>     if extension == '.svg':
>         iconfile = iconfile.replace('.svg', '.png')

If the icon called for is svg, why does this code assume
there will be a .png file?  Not applied yet.

> These fixes let the tool run in eclipse smoothless. But not on the
> command line.
> #!@PYTHON@
> doesn't work there. Switched back to
> #!/usr/bin/python

Run the whole automake sequence and this should clear up.

>     print 'DestroyMenu "%s"' % name
> changed it to
>     printtext('DestroyMenu "%s"' % name)


> Btw about your comment
> # themes not working: "hicolor" is a required theme  I see lots of
> themes but none seem to affect much
> - it works, but the icons for popups doesn't exist in the hicolor
> theme because they are hardcoded in getdefaulticonfile(). I will look
> into it later.

I must not have any themes installed.  Not surprising I suppose.

> Hope these fixes are ok for you.

Sure appreciate the help.
Will get to the next 2 patches as I have time.

Dan Espen

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