Hi Dan,

I have attached the new manpage for fvwm-menu-desktop-config.
Would you be so kind to review it for spelling and grammar errors,

.\" t
.de EX          \"Begin example
.ne 5
.if n .sp 1
.if t .sp .5
.in +.5i
.de EE
.in -.5i
.if n .sp 1
.if t .sp .5
.ta .3i .6i .9i 1.2i 1.5i 1.8i
.TH fvwm-menu-desktop-config 1 "@RELDATELONG@ (@VERSION@)" Fvwm "Fvwm Modules"
fvwm-menu-desktop-config \- GUI frontend for fvwm-menu-desktop

Module FvwmPerl -l fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl

This is a FvwmPerl script which generates a FvwmForm GUI frontend for 
\fBfvwm-menu-desktop\fR. It scans the XDG menu directories and creates 
a list of found menus. The user can choose via checkboxes which menus 
are built in a Fvwm menu or can setup a single custom menu.

The GUI is seperated in 4 sections - Multiple Menu, Single Menu, General 
Options and Actions.


Shows the found XDG menus with checkboxes on the system. The standard 
locations are /etc/xdg/menus and $HOME/.config/menus if it exists.

The menus from the putative main desktop environment are hooked. This 
choice depends on the amount of desktop related menus.


Section to custom-assemble a single menu. 

Note that deselecting all menus in the \fBMULTIPLE MENU\fR section is 
recommended before starting creation of a single menu.

The following fields are available:

.IP "\fBMenu Top Title\fR"
In this field you declare the menu title of the top menu used by Fvwm's 
\fIPopup\fR command. Default is "FvwmMenu".

.IP "\fBInstall\-Prefix\fR"
Field to override the standard locations for XDG menu definitions. The 
standard locations are /etc/xdg/menus (and $HOME/.config/menus if it exists).

.IP "\fBDesktop\fR"
Overrides the name of the main desktop environment installed on the system. 
If a system offers multiple desktop environments $XDG_MENU_PREFIX is 
typically set and is ignored if this field is denoted. 

Possible names are: \fIgnome\fR, \fIkde\fR, \fIxfce\fR, \fIlxde\fR, 
\fIdebian\fR, etc.

.IP "\fBMenutype\fR"
This field defines which type of a menu should be found. Possible name 
types could be: \fIapplications\fR, \fIsettings\fR, \fIpreferences\fR, etc.

Note that if the specified menu type doesn't exist the generated menu
is empty!


These options are apply to single \fBAND\fR multiple menu:

.IP "\fBUse Icons\fR"
This option enables mini\-icons in the menu(s). 

.IP "\fBIcon size\fR"
If "Use Icons" is set, per default 24x24 mini-icons are used. If 
another size is desired enter the wanted size in this field.

.IP "\fBIcon directory\fR"
If the specified icon isn't that size it will be converted
if \fBImageMagick\fR is installed and saved in $HOME/.fvwm/icons or to
the directory specified here. Otherwise no icon appears in the menu for 
that entry.

.IP "\fBUsed Icon theme\fR"
In this field the used icon theme can set. Default is \fIgnome\fR but 
all others found in /usr/share/icons could be used except the \fIhicolor\fR 
theme because it's the default fallback theme if no icon is found.

Note that the theme name must be written exactly as the icon directory.

Example: /usr/share/icons/Mint-X => "Mint-X"

.IP "\fBDirectory Icon\fR"
If "Use Icons" is enabled and for a directory in a menu no icon is found 
"gnome-fs-directory" as default icon is used. But if the gnome icon theme 
isn't installed no default icon appears. Another icon can defined here.

Note that only the name of an icon is needed not the path!

.IP "\fBApplication Icon\fR"
If "Use Icons" is enabled and for an application no icon is found 
"gnome-applications" as default icon is used. But if the gnome icon theme 
isn't installed no default icon appears. Another icon can defined here.

Note that only the name of an icon is needed not the path!

.IP "\fBUse Titles\fR "
If this option is set menus are generated with titles. Default is no

.IP "\fBMenu(s) in a Menu\fR"
Enable this checkbox to insert generated menu(s) \fBIN\fR a menu.

.IP "\fBInsert in menu\fR"
Enter in this field the name of the menu (its top title) where the 
generated menu(s) should insert.

For more information see the \fBUSAGE\fR section in the man page of 

.IP "\fBOutput path\fR"
Enter here the \fBFULL\fR path of the menu to store. Default path is 


.IP "\fBMultiple/Single\fR"
Set here which menu type you want to use.

.IP "\fBGenerate Menu(s)\fR"
Button to start menu generation.

.IP "\fBSave Settings\fR"
Button to save current settings to $FVWM_USERDIR/.FvwmForm-Desktop-Config.

.IP "\fBReset\fR"
Button to reset current settings to saved values stored in 

.IP "\fBHelp\fR"
Button to show this help.

.IP "\fBQuit\fR"
Button to quit fvwm-menu-desktop-config without saving.

Report bugs to the fvwm-workers mailing list <fvwm-workers@fvwm.org>.

This script is based on Dan Espens FvwmForm-Desktop but inserts the 
found xdg menus dynamically into the Form before processed. Adapted by 
Thomas Funk.

The script is distributed by the same terms as fvwm itself. See GNU
General Public License for details.

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