On 28 Jun 2005 01:11:28 +0200, Viktor Griph wrote:
> I was trying to use FvwmDebug with an amd64, running a 64 bit system, when 
> I found that it wouldn't load but exit with an error message "command is 
> too big (`64-bit integer`), limit is 1000". Investigating the error I 
> found that the perl module interface uses pack with fixed lengths, and not 
> native lengths. I changed all formats of all longs to native and got the 
> module to load.

Nice, I will apply your patch once you complete it.

> However, there is still something strange going on with events, that I 
> haven't been able pinpoint yet. When using mask -1 and xmask -1 for 
> FvwmDebug I get the followinf output, which indicates something strange 
> going on with 64-bit integers:
> FvwmDebug: FVWM::EventNames: Unknown event type 
> (1111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000100).
>  Exiting.
> DESTROY created new reference to dead object 'FVWM::Module' during global 
> destruction.

I think this is just "10000000000000000000000000000100", MX_LEAVE_WINDOW.
You should always strip the high 32 bits, that are either zeros or ones.
Probably $type &= 0xffffffff; in readPacket().


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