On 31 Aug 2005 23:19:48 +0200, Viktor Griph wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Aug 2005, Viktor Griph wrote:
> >On Mon, 29 Aug 2005, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> >
> >>On 29 Aug 2005 22:55:43 +0200, Viktor Griph wrote:
> >>>
> >>>This patch makes placement of windows using any button possible. The
> >>>button used to place the window is stored, and can be checked for with 
> >>>the
> >>>new window condition PlacedByButton.
> >>
> >>I wonder what are real life applications of this feature. Personally I
> >>don't find ManualPlacement very useful, and find using Move plus button 3
> >>to flag a window forever (actually until it is moved again and canceled
> >>using button 2) quite tricky. I think there are better (explicit) ways to
> >>flag a window, but I would like to hear about a different experience.
> >>
> >I'm not sure about the usefulness about the flagging. The main reason for 
> >the patch is the ability to complete moves with any button, which was 
> >something my brother have been asking for all summer, since he got his new 
> >mouse. The reason that I also added the condition was manly for 
> >completness. But as I said I still need a good way to define what 
> >button(s) that should cancel the placement. Of cource I could skip the 
> >condition, and go back to only having PlacedByButton3, but I would stil 
> >need a way to allow placement by higher buttons. I actually find the 
> >PlacedByButton3 rather useless, and would mush more like button 3 to 
> >cancel the move (something I'll be able to do with my patch once it's 
> >finished).
> >
> >Right now I'm thinking of adding a context P for Placement and only allow 
> >Mouse bindings, with no modifiers. What I'm thinking of in ways of 
> >implementations is to store a mask of buttons, eiher allowed to place the 
> >window, and just abort placment if another button is used. That would make 
> >it possible to have any number of buttons useable to finish/abort movment.
> >
> >Mouse 0 P A PlaceWindow
> >Mouse 3 P A -
> >
> >would then allow placement by any button except button 3, which probably 
> >would be how I would use it.
> >
> >What would be really cool should be to allow more complex bindings, but 
> >I'm not sure I would be able to code that. At least not easy, but the 
> >ability to bind functions to certain placement buttons would be more 
> >useful than any permanent flagging of the window. Right now I've only 
> >found use of the PlacedByButton conditions directly after a move as in:
> >
> >Mouse        1 T     A       Function MoveWindow
> >
> >DestroyFunc MoveWindow
> >AddToFunc MoveWindow
> >+ C Move
> >+ C TestRc (Error) Break
> >+ C ThisWindow (PlacedByButton 5)  WindowShade off
> >+ C TestRc (Match) Maximize on 0 100
> >+ C ThisWindow (PlacedByButton 4) WindowShade on
> >+ M Move
> >+ H Move
> >
> >Which will maximize a window vertically if I place it by rolling the 
> >scroll wheel down, and shade it if I place it by rolling the scroll wheel 
> >up.

I see, but still I think this is a quite hacky way of achieving it. Also,
with the current logic, if you once placed a window using button 3, it
will still have PlacedByButton3 flag on set even if you move and place it
using button 1 the next time. At least it should be consistent and reset
the flag(s) after every Move (either successful or canceled).

> I had some time tosday and added the context "P" for Placement that works 
> just like the menu context, and allows the actions "PlaceWindow" or "-".
> The default is set equivalent to
> Mouse 0 P N PlaceWindow
> Mouse 2 P N -
> which is how the manpage stated that move worked before. (except that it 
> didn't say anything about buttons>3, which now work).
> I've also changed so that the PlacedByButton flags don't survive a 
> canceled placement, or the only use I've found for them would not be that 
> useful. I also put in it as an example in the man page.

This is not enough, To emulate the current logic you should also add:

  Mouse 1 P N CancelPlacement
  Mouse 2 P N CancelPlacement

I.e. if you started the Move using button 1, then button 2 cancels it and
vice versa. Since you can't press button 1 again while dragging using
button 1, these binding would be ok although not immediately intuitive.


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