Dear reader,

The screenshots/vectorbuttons page of the FVWM web site contains
duplicate and erroneous information.

The page presents 75 buttons, but 'sort -u' on the source says that
only 37 are unique.

Within those 37, decor27 appears twice.  One defines it as 13 points.
The other says 13 but uses 25 points.

The source associates vectorbutton27.gif with both.
Demitrios Athens                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research     617-258-5285 voice
Massachusetts Institute of Technology                   617-253-8084 fax
77 Massachusetts Ave     Rm NE80-6059
Cambridge  MA  02139-4307

This e-mail has been modified from its original version.  It has been
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