On 11/7/05, Dan Espen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> seventh guardian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Hi
> >
> > I've already posted a bug report on the fvwm mailing list some weeks
> > ago regarding this, but no one answered. Today I switched to
> > xorg-7.0.0 and the problem is still there, so it must be fvwm.
> >
> > The problem I found is related to the composite extension of xorg:
> > when I run xcompmgr (the composite manager) fvwm looses the
> > screen-scrolling abillity to the right and down. I mean, after running
> > "xcompmgr" from the command line, you can no longer scroll (by placing
> > the cursor on the screen edge) to the right or down. And even after
> > killing the composite manager the problem persists. The left and up
> > scrolling work fine.
> >
> > Also, if you restart fvwm, even with xcompmgr running, things go back
> > to normal. So it must be something on the start of xcompmgr... Other
> > wm's work flawlessly.
> >
> > I'm using a patched version of fvwm from the gentoo portage: it has
> > the "translucency" patch applied. So if any of you are using a
> > composite manager and it works ok with the unpatched fvwm, please let
> > me know.
> >
> > Is there anything else I can do to help tracking the bug?
> Edge scrolling works by Fvwm creating invisible windows around the
> screen borders.  xcompmgr must be interferring with them somehow.
> Try changing the 'edgethickness' to see if that helps.

No, it's the same. I forgot to mention, I can drag windows between
screens and it works fine. Only the "empty handed" scroll doesn't

> Run xwininfo -root -all to see if there is a window in the way.

I really don't know how to read the output, and as it is quite large,
here's a diff from both before and after running xcompmgr (command:
"diff before after -U 10")


--- before      2005-11-09 21:18:28.000000000 +0000
+++ after       2005-11-09 21:18:40.000000000 +0000
@@ -544,42 +544,22 @@
                        1 child:
                        0x8001b5 (has no name): ()  538x17+2+2  +420+465
                           2 children:
                           0x8001b0 (has no name): ()  16x15+521+1  +941+466
                           0x8001af (has no name): ()  520x15+1+1  +421+466
                     0x800014 (has no name): ()  534x319+5+5  +422+140
                        2 children:
                        0x8000d1 (has no name): ()  534x263+0+56  +422+196
                           2 children:
                           0x8000d2 (has no name): ()  516x263+0+0  +422+196
-                             12 children:
-                             0x800192 (has no name): ()  20x20+27+214  +449+410
-                             0x800193 (has no name): ()  20x20+27+236  +449+432
-                             0x80018d (has no name): ()  20x20+27+90  +449+286
-                             0x800184 (has no name): ()  20x20+27+17  +449+213
-                             0x80018a (has no name): ()  20x20+27+39  +449+235
-                             0x800194 (has no name): ()  20x20+27+258  +449+454
-                             0x80018e (has no name): ()  20x20+27+112  +449+308
-                             0x80018f (has no name): ()  20x20+27+134  +449+330
-                             0x800191 (has no name): ()  16x16+5+197  +427+393
-                             0x800190 (has no name): ()  16x16+5+168  +427+364
-                             0x80018c (has no name): ()  16x16+5+73  +427+269
-                             0x800186 (has no name): ()  16x16+5+0  +427+196
                           0x800038 (has no name): ()  18x263+516+0  +938+196
                        0x8000ea (has no name): ()  534x56+0+0  +422+140
-                          4 children:
-                          0x8001c4 (has no name): ()  534x16+0+40  +422+180
-                             1 child:
-                             0x800188 (has no name): ()  16x16+5+0  +427+180
-                          0x8001e2 (has no name): ()  534x1+0+39  +422+179
-                          0x800178 (has no name): ()  502x39+32+0  +454+140
-                          0x8001d9 (has no name): ()  32x32+0+3  +422+143
         0x40009e (has no name): ()  18x18+493+3  +907+93
         0x40009d (has no name): ()  18x18+511+3  +925+93
         0x40009c (has no name): ()  18x18+529+3  +943+93
         0x40009b (has no name): ()  490x18+3+3  +417+93
         0x400093 (has no name): ()  21x21+0+0  +414+90
         0x400095 (has no name): ()  21x21+529+0  +943+90
         0x400097 (has no name): ()  21x21+0+427  +414+517
         0x400099 (has no name): ()  21x21+529+427  +943+517
         0x400094 (has no name): ()  508x3+21+0  +435+90
         0x400096 (has no name): ()  3x406+547+21  +961+111
@@ -656,20 +636,21 @@
+      Exposure
   Do not propagate these events:
   Override redirection?: No

   No window manager hints defined


As I can see, the "exposure" thing is related to the composite
manager, so that part shouldn't matter. Appart from that, I can only
say that some things, I supose they are windows, are disapearing when
xcompmgr is executed. Restarting fvwm makes them come back..

What do you think the problem is?

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